34AAA – any ladies smaller than A cup? HELP! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi Ladies,

    I have my surgeon consultation coming up soon (Dec 7th, Mr Mounir) , and I’m worrying about it because the last time I spoke to a surgeon he told me my results would look terrible (not his words) because I have almost no natural tissues… He said I’d need anatomicals, and that the edge of the implant would be visible and palpable, and that I would absolutely get rippling, which is obviously a concern.

    I’m assuming that I’ll end up with implants under the muscle, but I’m worrying about them still looking stuck on and fake because my chest is so flat. I literally have a chest, there’s no boob at all, you can feel my ribs under my skin where my boobs should be.

    Are there any girls smaller than A cup (ie. AA or AAA – not A cup, that’s huge to me!), who got a good result with surgery, or who are looking into surgery at the moment?
    It’d be great to talk to you so I can get a better idea.

    Thanks for any help


    Hey debs I’m ur double have no breast tissue at all hardly but mine have stretched before with having kids so i know my skin can adapt I’m having 450cc soft to inch natural profile with Helena on Tuesday so keep an eye out for my pictures then hopefully ull be able to have an idea with how mine turn out! I hope my are fine but my surgeon said to trust her as she knows best lol, that were her words not mine so I am 🙂 xx

    Chloe 1

    I started as a 32AA I dont no if u want to add me and see my pics I did have breast tissue but barely any I had to have unders. My advice find a better surgeon I have a friend who is transgender and there fake breasts look fantastic and they used to be a man so how it can be said it wont look right is beyond me!! x


    Hi I. Was til the same thing so only got recogmended 205 but I requested to see another surgion as I wasn’t happy then got offered 340 which I am happy about but I would like a little larger I have a consultation in N hour and I am seein me mounir let’s see what he has to say xx


    Boey – Yeah mine stretched to a DD when I was pregnant both times with my son and daughter.

    Thank you ladies – I’ll add you both if that’s ok and we can keep in touch? 🙂

    Chloe – who did you go with and what size implants did you get?


    Hiya Chloe would you mind if I added you got mine on 17th December ahh x


    Iv had to send u a request debs I delete ur request but accident lol xx


    Chloe they look great! You must be so happy. I cannot wait to buy my first bras.

    Think I’m waiting until after Christmas to book my op, I don’t want to be in bed and unable to play with the kids on the big day, plus we go to my in-laws on Boxing day and my father-in-law smokes, so I don’t want to be near fag reek when I’ve just had an op.

    I honestly cannot wait. It’s insane, we’ve literally saved £4000 in the space of 14 weeks, it’s been exhausting but so worth it!


    Hey chloe, u got the sane as ne do u mind if I add u x


    Hey chloe, u got the same as me do u mind if I add u x

    Francesca -1

    I was a AA, had 300CC overs which have taken me to a DD and the bra fitting lady said I had the most natural fake boobs she’d ever seen


    Thanks Francesca – that’s great to hear! 🙂 Mind if I add you? x

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