350 UHP problems and revision at 2WPO Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls just wanted to share my story with you all as I know MYA have quite a lot of negative feedback regarding aftercare and revision.
    I had my surgery at Preston first trust on 25th June with mr. Mounir. Everything went fine the staff at the hospital and my surgeon where all amazing and I was very well looked after.
    I returned home the following day and noticed when I looked at my boobs that my left was sitting higher up in my chest and much more painful than the other. I brushed it off and presumed it was normal as they are two seperate operations. When going for my 1WPO check with the nurse she was concerned about it so sent pictures to me surgeon for a second opinion. She rang me the same day to say me mounir had seen them and wanted me to go back the next day to see him so i did. As soon as he saw me he said he wanted to operate again, his words where ‘I can’t live with myself if I leave you like this you have these for life’ there and then they booked me in for revision the following Monday when I would of been 2WPO. He operated again on my left boob and took the implant out to drain the inside of my boob and put the implant back in. When I woke up he told me I had a Hematoma (a buildup of fluid and blood) which wouldn’t of disappeared on its own. He left a drain in too to make sure it didn’t happen again. Strangely enough after having surgery again on what was already a healing boob, It wasn’t as painful as the first time around and straight away I could tell the difference it looked and felt so much better already!
    I had to take another week off work to recover but after that week I was fine to go back to normal. I know my boobs are now going to drop and settle at different rates but I’m fine with that I’ll just have to be patient! Hematomas are rare but they are also a risk when having BA and I never thought it would happen to me. I’m not writing this to put people off at all. I’m writing this to reassure people that mya do care about you and choosing the right surgeon does make a difference! Mr mounir could of sent me away telling me it would settle itself so he didn’t have to operate again on me for free but he didn’t because he cares about his work. I’m so grateful for mya and yes it’s been a nightmare but I wouldn’t change it and I would do it all again for boobies!! They are so worth it! I’m now 4 weeks 5 days post op (2 weeks 5 days) for my second op and completely back to normal now no pain and pretty much back to doing normal things! There are risks that could happen to you but don’t let it hold you back, thank god for aftercare ????

    Katie 6

    Hello! That’s so reassuring to read! I have my consultation with Dr Mounir on the 21st August, so this is so good to know!


    So glad you’re ok & was sorted out for you x


    This is so reassuring as I myself had read a lot about the negative reviews about aftercare etc. This has definitely put my mind at rest. Thank you for sharing! X

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