350 vs 375 – thoughts? Started by: Julie

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  • Julie 10

    Am having constant fight with myself on how big to go, but thinking the difference might not even be that big between the 2. Anyone any pictures to compare please? Op booked for 26th October and told they will have both sizes there, so might be a last minute decision!

    Bassett28 122

    There is honesty not much difference at all between the 2 and it won’t alter bra size. I had the option of 320, 365 or 405 cc and opted for 365 – middle of the road. But on the day my surgeon put 365 in and they were sitting too high on my chest so he put in 335. After surgery in a drowsy state when he told me, the first thing I said was ‘they will still be a DD won’t they” and he said yes! For me and my frame that was the range of cc advised to get me to DD. I’m an E cup though but look DD.
    Not sure I’ve been much help – but leave it to your surgeon to decide is what I advise as they are the experts. Good luck x


    Hi Julie! I’m also doin the same over 325 or 350! And I’m booked for 26th Octover too! I have Traynor do you? X

    Hollie 19

    Hi girls! I was between 325 and 350 unders with Traynor and went for 350 🙂
    As other have said the difference is minimal, I had the implants side by side with my PC and the depth they popped out was the same, the only difference was how wide the implant was by like a quater of a cm!
    I’m surprised he could get the 350’s in me as my ribs are really narrow 🙂
    Dont panic to much, Traynor is known for turning people away who want toooo big that there are more risks so the biggest size he offers you won’t be Pam Anderson size haha!
    I asked to be a D cup and I’m 3 weeks post op and wearing DD and E sports bras and they haven’t dropped or fluffed at all yet so I think I’m always gona be a big DD / E Xxxx

    Julie 10

    I’m with surgeon Andrea, don’t see much on forum about him, but he seemed lovely when we met. He thinks 350 for my frame. Sooooo excited! Went out this weekend for my last drinks out with the girls for a while since il be T total from now based on what they said at pre op appointment. I didn’t expect the no alcohol but haha

    Claire Wright 10

    Hi Julie, I’m having my op on Monday 17th Oct and I’m so excited!! I was unsure of what size to go too, between 300 and 350. I went on Friday to try on again with my favourite tops. I decided on 325 as i don’t want to look false. I’m 5’6″ 10 st but a small frame up top – 32a/b I reckon from reading on here, the surgeon will know exactly the look you want and can be trusted. Good luck, I’ll post my experience on here in a week or so…..eeeek!!!! xx

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