350/375 HP overs, 4 wks PO update and photos. Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girlies
    Sorry I am not posting as much on here now, but thought you might like to see progress pictures. I am 4 weeks PO now and amazed at how quickly our bodies start to heal. So far so good, healing is going well and my breasts are looking and feeling a lot more natural, The nerves are really settling down and thankfully sensation in my nipples seems to be coming back to normal. under my breast still a bit numb.
    They are feeling a lot softer to touch, swelling has all gone, my incisions are a bit stingy if I do to much, but other than that all good.
    I can’t wait to get measured and go bra and bikini shopping after my 6 week check up, I will be so happy to not wear sports bra every day haha

    Wishing everyone on here happy healing and successful operations xx

    Olivia 2

    They look great Hun. Xx


    just realised they are not most recent photos, i will try and up load todays..


    my computer being a pain, will try again later x


    Try again

    Maddie 21

    You look amazing!!! I’ve had rough same size and profile except mine were Unders. If they look anything like this once healed I’ll be chuffed to bits. Congrats xxx

    Danielle 117

    Looking amazing Becki 😀 not long until that 6 weeks now! Can’t believe how fast it goes by, my first day in a normal bra and it’s so good haha can finally wear any top I want instead of ones to hide the dreaded sports bra! Xx


    ah thanks @maddiecourt and @oliviabeer is hard to imagine what our own breasts will look like when they eventually settle. I used to be on this forum every day looking for before and after pictures so I could try and imagine what mine would look like. They actually look the same as my boobs before surgery, just bigger!!
    Maddie you will have to wait for yours to drop down which can take a while from what other girls with unders have said, but when they do I think unders look amazing and very natural. Keep posting your progress because its helpful for others.
    The most important thing for me now is that they go back to feeling normal ie the nerve damage repairs. so far so good and sensation is returning, hope it continues. xxx


    @danielle101 How does it feel wearing a normal bra, is it under wired? Do your boobs look bigger in your tops now coz u can push them up. My sports bras are very comfy now but like u said they always show under my clothes and they squash the boobies flat ???????? have u got measured yet? U have to post an update in your new bras and an update. Xxx on my way to mya for 4 week check xx


    Look amazing Becki! They’re so big! What size are you hoping to be? xx


    Hi @danniilk I feel like they are really softening and starting to feel like they are my boobies hahaha. I will be happy with a 34E. I was a 34 C/D before, I just wanted my fullness back. They sometimes look big depends on camera angle, but I like it that when I’m wearing clothes its not massively noticable that I have had them done, I wanted to stay in proportion to my body.
    The thing I am most happy about is the nerves are settling, especially in my nipples. my biggest fear was them being completley numb forever or hyper sensitive forever, but thankfully they are really starting to feel more normal.
    I think its only after the operation that I realised how many things can go wrong and what a massive decision it is to have surgery. Its not just about them looking natural for me, its about them feeling natural as well on the inside for me.
    hope yours are doing well, I havent seen an update from you recently, is everything going well?

    Nic 79

    Becki they look insane!! So happy for you 🙂 mine are still numb underneath and I’m at 7 weeks now! Glad everything is settling in well for you now 🙂 they look SO natural already! And they can only get better?! Fab! X

    Danielle 117

    @becki it actually feels ok wearing an under wired bra, I’ve only bought one underwire plunge bra and it definitely makes my boobs look bigger! I’ve bought a couple of none padded none wired bras and there really comfy! This is one I had today, definitely makes my boobs look bigger then the sports bra! Not been officially measured yet but been buying 34E and they seem to fit pretty well, hoping to go get measured next week. Il post an update tomorrow when I’ve took some pics, it’s funny as the weeks go on I don’t really pay much attention to them now lol it’s like they’ve always been there! How did your check up go? Xxx
    Edited to say that bra is from Asda and is 36DD it’s a bit small but gives good cleavage so I don’t mind haha

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    @danielle101 you look amazing hun. Your boobs look so natural and the bras are gorgeous and feminine. It must be so nice being able to wear pretty bra’s with matching knickers hahaha instead of sports bra all the time. Has anybody noticed or asked you if you have had a BA? or with clothes on do they not look as big.
    I had my 4week check yesterday, everything fine and I am healing well except i split my incision a little bit so have to have a sterile strip and plaster on again. My own fault for doing to much, the problem is once they start feeling normal I do more stretching and lifting than I should do and I have been taking the bra off to let the skin breath. So I have to remember I am still healing, no taking the bra off except to wash and no stretching and heavy lifting at all for next 2 weeks.
    Shows how important it is to do what the nurse tells us.

    Danielle 117

    Aw no as if you’ve done that, at least the nurse saw you at 4 weeks before you did any further damage! Just take it easy now, 4 weeks is still really early, I still try and take it a bit easy myself, I’ve been sleeping in my sports bra and still haven’t slept on my side yet haha no no one has noticed…or if they have they haven’t said anything lol they do look slightly bigger but I always wore super padded bras in the past so I suppose not much difference except I know it’s all boob this time and not padding 🙂 xxx

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