350CC HP Overs – DR Tsekouras Started by: Layolee

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  • Layolee 5


    I am now 4 months post op and have had a faultless experience with MYA. I am so so happy with the results and have a whole load of confidence that I didn’t even know about!

    I had started an insta for any girls with questions or just want to see pictures because I know these accounts helped me sooo much!!

    Just to note, I am PETRIFIED of needles and hospitals.. I was crying the night before but honestly there is nothing to worry about! I had the gas to put me to sleep and it was the best thing ever.. as far am I’m concerned I went through the whole thing without any needles!

    For any girls that are unsure… do it 🙂 best thing I’ve ever done! X

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Layolee 5.
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    Sammie 12

    Wow they are amazing ? I’ve got my first consultation in 7 days I’m so excited!!!

    Ruth 116

    Layolee they look absolutely amazing ? I’m a month post op tomorrow 350cc overs if mine look anything like yours do at 4 months I’ll be really pleased x

    Layolee 5

    Aw thank you both!
    Sammie – best of luck.. as mentioned above if you have any questions at all or want any advice then feel free to message me on Instagram 🙂

    Ahh thank you Ruth! They change so much in those 4 months.. at the start I would never imagined them looking like this because they was SO hard and high! Hope you have a speedy recovery:-) xx

    Layolee 5

    Dr Tsekouras was amazing and would definitely recommend him for the girls who are abit more nervous!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Layolee 5.
    Ruth 116

    Thank you Layolee, recovery hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would I’m just looking forward to getting back in gym and running now. What size are you measuring now if you don’t mind me asking? xx

    Layolee 5

    Yeah I was excited to exercise again! I bloated so bad ? I’m measuring at 32G now 4MPO ? originally asked for a Double D at first consultation but I guess implants just take differently to everyone! I’m sooo happy tho!! X

    Ruth 116

    Wow 32G that’s amazing, a lot bigger than you asked for if your happy though that’s the main thing. I’d be happy if mine look half as good as yours ? I bloated quite bad already felt like a whale after Christmas without the bloat haha! x

    Layolee 5

    Aw thank you! What are you hoping for/how’s it going? Omg I bloated so bad hahaha I still feel huge now tbh I put on so much weight by sitting around and chilling ?xx

    Ruth 116

    I’ll be very happy with a D, I’m quite happy just to have boobs to be honest whatever they measure it doesn’t matter if the confidence I’ve gained and feeling more womenly (if that makes sense) that makes it worth it. So far so good it’s going really well, my right has really started dropping, my left is a bit slower. Sitting doing nothing when your so used to being active is frustrating. Worth it though but the bloat isn’t good! xx

    Monica 122

    When did you notice an improvement girls? Was the bloating bothering you for long?

    Ruth 116

    My bloating is still there a little, no where near as bloated as I was though. Doesn’t help that the swelling moves down so had swelling and bloating to contend with. Have you been feeling bloated Monica? x

    Monica 122

    I thought I’m just fat lol. I’ve got a feeling that I’m just gaining weight even though I practically don’t eat. So yes, still feeling bloated. Thought it’s only going to last a week or 2 maximum ??
    But can see that I’m not the only one experiencing this.. Xx

    PerkieDs 12

    layolee u look amazing

    do you have any more photos

    when did you start noticing the fluffing and changes of overs x

    Ruth 116

    Monica I’ve gained weight since surgery hence being very eager to get back in gym and running haha! I’m not a massive eater but I only have to look at cake and I gain lbs ? definitely not alone with the bloating lovely. How are you feeling? xx

    HB 2

    Hi layolee! They look amazing! What were your stats before if you don’t mind me asking?X

    Monica 122

    I’ve started a diet and seems like it’s better now but still it’s not how it was before the surgery.
    I’m fine, thanks for asking. Got back to my normal life and routine. Still fighting with my stubborn left boob though haha but the right one heals perfectly.
    How are you feeling? Xx

    Tor Shields 78

    I just googled how much implants weigh as I was telling myself that they felt so heavy so it would probably add 5 pounds onto my weight…. nope that’s just me eating too much! 400cc implants are only around 1 pound each ha. So when I step on those scales I don’t have the excuse that it’s the implants. I just need to start dieting ha x

    Ruth 116

    Monica glad your bloating is better than it was. I still have a stubborn left too, I’m doing well thank you got myself back to the gym tonight 🙂
    Tor I thought ahh bugger it those extra couple of lbs are the implants but I discovered I couldn’t blame them when I googled it haha! How’s your recovery so far? xx


    What’s your Instagram if you don’t mind me asking I’m booking in with the same surgeon for 325 or 350 HP and can’t decide ! Xx

    emily 11

    Hey I’ve requested to follow your insta xx

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