350cc Mr Mashhadi 1 day post op! Started by: Melissa

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  • Melissa 2

    So I thought I would share my experience with you girls as I know it helped me when I was leading up to surgery. I was so scared I couldn’t stop crying and I actually said at one point I changed my mind and wanted to go home! But all the staff at Fitzroy were absolutely amazing they all put me at ease made me feel so much better and so I did it!! And it’s the best decision I have ever made I am over the moon with my results thanks to Mr Mashhadi I have boobies! So all you girls worrying seriously it’s fine it’s all over with before you know it and I have had no pain whatsoever since waking up only slightly uncomfortable but nothing really! Will attach my before and after pic I had 350cc under the muscle xx

    Melissa 2

    Pictures won’t load for some reason so fustrating xx


    I’m new to this forum. Im booked in for mine doing in July and im getting scared now thinking the worst. U had under the muscle how is the pain now hun? Thats what im wanting under but heard the recovery is more painful. Im going to stay positive and i know im going to be so happy once its all done but it is still so scary. X

    Melissa 2

    My pain has been very minimal actually I’m so surprised by how easy my recovery has been so far, i did do too much on the first day though thinking I could handle it and my body definitely felt it, I suggest bed for a whole week! Lots of tv, fluids and food! You’ll be fine it’s all worth it xx

    Melissa 2

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    pics still won’t load xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Tasha.

    Hi, I had a consultation yesterday and I am even more confused with size. What size did you get and what size were you before? My consultation felt rushed, I just feel very confused! Thanks! xx


    Hi lovely could you please send me photos in private message? I would love to see them, as I have a consultation with him 12th Feb. I’m so scared about surgery and keep talking myself out of it x

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