375-400cc unders Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 16

    Hi has anyone got any pictures of 375cc & 400cc under the muscle. I’ve ordered both and no there isn’t much in it but can’t decide. 400 sounds an much bigger than 375 and it’s all I can think about. So I would love to see your results.

    My next question is what do I need to take on the day & an essentials or hidden gems that’s really helped your recovery?

    I’m going for my pre op consultation on Saturday is that all the appointments now until the op?

    Sorry for all the questions thanks in advance xx

    Gina 12

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    I’m in the same position as you! Can’t decide between the 375 or 400. Think I’m going to go for the 400 so I’m not disappointed after! X

    Lauren 16

    I’m swaying more towards that too! When are you booked in for?x

    Lindsey 49

    Hey girls I was in this position and went for 400cc in the end. Had them done in December feel free to send me a message on WhatsApp and I can show you some pics, struggle uploading then onto here. 07931613403 x

    myamoderator 138


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    I had 375 in my right and 400 in the left to even them out. Under the muscle moderate plus

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