375-425cc pics or experiences from girls around 5'8"? Started by: Christina

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    Heyy girlies! I’m trying to figure out what size I should be, but it’s so difficult going through the forum and trying to find stories/pics of girls who are closer to my height! I would love to achieve a nice full c or even d (I’m having overs), and I am currently a 34a size 8-10. Anybody who can show me post-ops or share their experience, with similar stats would be greatly appreciated!! xx

    Nicki 1

    Hey Hun I had 365 overs from 34aa 7 weeks ago. I’ve been measured as 32dd but don’t look that big. I’m size 10 and 5 ft 7. Add me if u like xx


    I’m a size 8 Hunni and was a b cup pro op now and e cup I had 375 unders


    Hey I had 375 unders add me if you like x


    Thanks so much girlies! Hey @Francesca‘s, do you mind if I add you?


    Hi I had 415cc overs from 32c 17 days ago i am size 8/10 and 5’7 feel free to add me xx

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