375 cc HP – have I made the right decision / has anyone got similar stats? Started by: Antonia Salt

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  • Antonia Salt -2

    Hi guys! I’m having 375cc high profile overs with Mr Sleiter in London at the end of October. I’m 5″5, 8 stone 11 and around a 32b at the moment.. I’m just wondering if anybody has any photos with this size with similar stats? If they’ve had Mr Sleiter? and any general advice really!! I’m worried they’re not going to be big enough or high enough, I don’t know the nerves have just hit now haha! Any advice or pics welcome!!

    Jaz 7

    32A before and got 365cc hp round unders

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Jaz 7.
    Jaz 7

    Won’t let me upload the pic. I’ll add you x

    Antonia Salt -2

    thanks babe ive accepted you x

    Ashleigh 6

    I’m 5’4”, 8 stone, was a 32 A originally and just had 400cc High Profile done today.
    I’m happy so far but it’s early days xx

    Antonia Salt -2

    Thanks for the replies guys! Does anyone also have advice on loans / finance? I am a student but my partner will be paying for them. He just can’t put anything in his name as he’s only been self employed for nearly a year. Any loan companies that accept students?


    I would try cosmeticloans.co.uk they specialise in cosmetic loans for people with poorer credit!

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