375/400 tfx still undecided !!! Started by: Simone

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  • Simone

    I’m ha vying my Ba on Monday and have ordered both sizes 375 and 400cc but I’m still undecided I don’t want t go for. ?375 and then get boob greed but on the other hand not sure if 400 will be too big ?? Help I’m currently a flat 34b and 5ft7 x


    Hey! Are you having unders or overs and what size are you hoping to go up to? I’m same height and 34b hopefully goin to a D and my apps on the 30th! X


    I had the same options 375 or 400 and went with the 400’s, I’m just over 5’6. I’ve got some pics up, only 1 week post op tho. My strapping was removed yesterday and I’m so happy with them : ) xx

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