375CC – HP – Under The Muscle – 8DPO – Feeling Critical/Small Started by: KB

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  • KB 9

    Well, I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve spent too long on my own focusing on my boobs or I just need to hold my horses.
    I have had 375cc HP Under implants + Areola Reduction, I was a very empty 34a before and although I know they are bigger, they are still sitting very high (I’m wearing a band 24/7) and I feel like I only look around a C cup. But, I had a measure and I’m coming in at 34D…
    I’m a 5’6 – 10/12 and used to wear heavily padded bras, so folk say they don’t look any different (which is not good to hear after spending 6k). I’m not an MYA patient, so I won’t share pictures.
    How long do people find under the muscle implants take to “drop and fluff”? Did anyone else find themselves obsessing and overly critical?
    Thanks 🙂

    Marie 5

    Hi, I had 325cc round unders was a 32a before. I’m 6wks post opp today just been professionally measured for the first time I’m now measuring a 30f ?? only wanted a 32d! If I’m honest mine seemed small around that time, they change every few days. Easier said than done but the key is to be patient once they drop & fluff you’ll love them x

    KB 9

    Thanks so much, yours look incredible! I think it’s because my Macom bra & strap compresses them a lot, I am being overly critical.
    30f is incredible, I would be elated with a DD(!) Bit bigger is welcome too! ?

    Rebecca 84

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    I’m exactly the same as you – 32a before and had 375cc under the muscle. It took about 6 months for mine to drop and fluff and I still think they’re dropping now. I’m 10 months PO next week. It’s just a waiting game and they’ll turn out alright. I’ll attach my progression pics.

    First pic is me before the op. Then it’s my progression pic and my last pic I’ve just taken. Hope it helps. I was measured at a 32F. The bras fit me but I think I am a 32E Xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Rebecca 84.
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    Jenna x 53

    Same kind of story really was a small b before surgery, was aiming for a d/dd and before I was measured at 6 ish weeks was convinced I was smaller than I was then was told I’m a 30f so well happy with that!!
    I think boob greed is deffo a thing I used to wear heavily padded bras and people said the same that they didn’t look different but on the flipside you’re in a sports bra that restricts them if anything and no padding anymore and you’ve still got drop and fluff process to look forward to!
    Time wise everyone different I think but mine started dropping to a nice crease and started to soften at about 5 and a half weeks then every week since they looked more and more natural so deffo hold out the best bit is yet to come!! Xxx

    Karen 4

    This is so good to hear, I’m just over 1 week po, I had 375cc overs, I was an empty 38b before, but don’t feel any different, like you say it’s waiting game and they changed when they drop and fluff XX

    KB 9

    REBECCA – You look bloody incredible, boob goals! Thank you so much for sharing you’ve made me feel so much better. xx

    JENNA X – Thanks so much, that’s exactly what I’m aiming for and I’m finally starting to drop and fluff out and bit, honestly they change each day and I’ve just got to hold in there. 30F would be the absolute dream, but to be honest I’d be thrilled with a solid DD 🙂 xx

    KAREN – I’m now at Day 16 and they’ve really evened out and dropped a little, they look much better. I think we both just need to hold in there and let them do what they’ve got to do! xx

    Bethany 17

    Hey, I was a 34b too, size 10/12, 5”7 and had 400cc partials.

    I’m the same as you I’m super happy with them but they don’t feel big! I’ve measured myself at home and I’m showing a 34d and I’m 16 days PO and healing really fast so not much swelling left.

    It’s confusing because a lot of people that had the same size implants tell you what size they ended up but we all end up different because of height and back size. Most girls on here tend to be very petite too so they get similar size implants to us and they end up huge on them!

    So I was told…
    To measure a bra size you need to take the size of your back in inches (34 in our case) and the size of our breasts in inches (I think mines 38) and the difference in numbers indicates the cup size. Eg 1=a 2=b 3=c 4=d. (That’s how general bra measurement works)
    So someone with a size 30 back could have exactly the same implant as me and they’d end up way bigger because the difference between their breast size and back size would be higher giving them a higher cup size.

    Does that make sense? Sorry if you knew that, I don’t want it come across know it all haha. But that’s how it was explained to me as to why someone can have the same start size as me, same implant as me and end up a F while I end up a D!

    Bit annoying, I wish I knew before because I based my decision on talking to people with 30/32 back sizes who ended up with E’s and F’s.
    Buuuuut saying that im still supersuper happy with them, keep looking at before pics to remind yourself how much bigger they are!! It’s easy to get used to them and forget!!

    Jenna x 53

    Bethany that’s exactly what confused me before I had implants and seeing taller people with the same size that’s what I based my 350cc on to be a full d/small dd sort of size but even being 30f (since have purchased a couple of 32f bras that I’m finding much more comfy atm) they don’t look huge so pretty glad cuz if I’d gone smaller wouldn’t love them as much as I do now and they still fit frame so worked out perfect in the end xx

    KB understand completely, before getting measured when they started to soften and I was still in sports bras never in a million years would I have said they looked an F cup especially in clothes when they look “normal” size to what I was before with bra padding so deffo hang in there you’ll be easantly surprised, mine seemed to look “bigger” when they started fluffing not sure if that happens with most people or not xx

    Jenna x 53

    My before and after similar to yours one is 350cc and the other is 375cc as uneven as you can tell in the before pic hp partials xx

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    becky 1

    Would you say yours got bigger as they dropped and fluffed? I’m 5dpo, has 250cc and I feel they are too small

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