375cc implants, from a 32a, 5ft 10 size 8/10, will they match? Started by: Alex

  • Author
  • Alex 17


    I’ve been offered between 350cc, 375cc and 400cc.

    I am currently a 32a and asked for a full D cup.
    My current stats are stated above.

    Does anyone have any similar stats or know if 375cc will look nice or too big, or because I am tall will they suit my frame? I also have quite a big bum

    Pics would be great


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Alex 17.
    Jodie 70

    Hi I think they’d look great! I’m shorter than you (5ft5) and a size 8, Ive just had 375 overs.. They are bigger than what I expected at the moment but there’s still some swelling. I asked to achieve a D/ DD and I’ve got no doubts they will x

    Jodie 70

    Meant to say I was an empty 32Aish to start x

    Jaclyn 41

    Definitely go for 400cc. There’s not much in it anyway x

    K 6

    I’m 34 A/B and I’m chosen 375 and 400cc UHP unders xx my op is tomorrow ? i think size will be great xx I can send some pics after

    Alex 17

    Hello, oh great! Could you send some pictures after would be a great help! ? I think because I’m tall I might be able to get away with them xx

    Rebekah 174

    Defo get bigger I had 365cc and they were so small and I’m tiny 5’1 7stone7 now I have had them replaced due to revision being needed and I have 450cc! And they arnt to big at all xx

    Claire 10

    I’m similar stats to you and I had 400cc Hp unders put in last Tuesday. I tried on a d cup bra I had at home yesterday and it fitted perfectly. I was worried that 400s would be too big for me but they seem just right

    Missy 1

    I live in the states. I had my consult yesterday and booked my surgery for May 22nd. I tried on 450cc and 500cc. I’m 5’11” and a size 8. I’m currently a 34 full B/ small C. I’m gonna go with the 450 mod profile silicone unders. I’m afraid 500 will make me too big. I want to look natural.

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