375cc overs, finally been measured – 6 weeks p.o Started by: Hollie

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  • Hollie 38

    I’m now a 30e!
    I’m so pleased with how they’ve settled and how they fit my frame and it feels so good to be out of that sports bra

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    Amanda 4

    They look amazing i am 6 week post op next week and worried as my right breast is looking smaller than my left i had 425cc unders i will struggle to fit in a bra with them both different sizes x

    Hollie 38

    Sorry Amanda I pressed the thumb down on your comment by accident! Loool
    Thanks so much. I have one slightly smaller than the other as they were slightly like that beforehand but not enough to use different size implants. I’d say get measured at boux Avenue (they were great with me) and see what they say? Or if the difference is really bad then speak to your nurse xx

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