375HP under have I done too much four weeks post op? Started by: Dee

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  • Dee 1

    hi four weeks post op still in sports bra yesterday I did some light gardening and cleaning… Last night both breasts were so swollen and hurt so much. Got hubby to check scars he said they are fine. This morning they still hurt so much they are not hard like last night!
    Surely four weeks post op I should be able to do a little?
    Feel so stressed this morning. Any advise on what to do I would be so grateful
    Thanks in advance

    Sasha 5

    Hi Dee, I think we all heal at different rates. I’m ok with cleaning, pushing the pushchair and lifting my little one out of the cot, at 24 days post op, but I’m normally very active. So for me, this is taking it easy. Get an ice pack on them if they’re still sore to help with the swelling and pain. I hope you’re able to do a bit more soon, but I guess you just have to listen to your body and stop when you have to. It’s so frustrating some times, I was running 20 miles a week before surgery, now I walk 45 mins and I’m exhausted! Xx

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