380 mhp unders??? Anyone had these? Started by: Katie

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  • Katie

    Hi everyone.i have my surgery in a few wks.im a 32a and mr Traynor has said i can have upto 380. Has anyone had this and did they seem too big? Also does anyone have any pics that i could have a look at.im worried about having a gap in the middle
    Katie xx


    If you have a gap to start with, you will always have one, changing the projection will help give a better look in the cleavage department.
    I had 380mhp with my first op, I was an unmeasured 32a at the start and went up to a 28g/30ff but wore a 32ff on the tightest hook, unfortunately mine didn’t drop or soften, so I had to have a re-op, feel free to look at my pics (ignore where it says CC, as it was mis-diagnosed, I believe)
    Good luck, mr Traynor is an excellent surgeon, and when I get my re-op I am going with him xx


    Awww thats a shame your having to have it again. A size g or f terrifies me!! Ha! I was after a full c-d.do you think 380cc is too much then? He offered me 4 sizes, biggest of which was the 380 xx


    380 cc is a nice size not to big not to small x

    Angie 2

    Hi cn i add you joannabella


    I only looked a c cup, remembering that implants measure much bigger then they look, which suited my frame. Buying bras in that size was hard. I haven’t been measured from my second op, but had slightly smaller implants. It is awful I need to do it again, but I can’t live how I am xx
    Add away Hun xx

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