380cc teardrop unders – surgery done!! Started by: emma

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  • emma 40

    Hi girls,

    I had my operation today in Lancaster (not mya) at about 2pm and woke up in the recovery room just after 4. Was really nervous about the anaesthetic as I had never had one before but I feel absolutely fine. I am a bit sore in my chest but that was to be expected!

    I feel like not many people have had teardrops on here so just wanted to try and be of help to anyone thinking about getting these .

    I’ll post a before and after pic (hopefully)from this morning and just now!

    Definitely worth it girls xxxxxxx

    emma 40

    How annoying is this trying to attach pics!!!

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    emma 40


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    Carly -56

    Hi Emma! I’d be happy with your ‘before’! Haha did you specifically ask for teardrops or were they recommended??x

    emma 40

    Hi carly, aww thank you I have never been happy with them sadly! I got them done at a private hospital and my surgeon only uses teardrop implants because of the more natural shape xxxx

    Carly -56

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    I’m so confused on what to ask for! I’ve always wanted teardrops but i’ve seen girls on here with round implants and they look really natural! Xx

    Carly -56

    Excited to see how they settle over the months and your final outcome! 🙂

    emma 40

    I think they’re usually more expensive to get teardrop but I would just let the surgeon know you’re wanting a natural look and see what they recommend 🙂 so many on here that have had round look amazing and natural.

    From my research it sounded like teardrop ones actually don’t suit everyone but that was the only option I got haha.

    Thank you and good luck with everything xxxx

    Carly -56

    Have you started an instagram account for your progress?x

    emma 40

    I haven’t but I did put another post up with the strapping off if you haven’t seen that. If you just search 380cc teardrop it should come up xxxx

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