390cc today unders and so sore…how long until I feel a bit better! Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 1

    honestly, this is brutal

    Holly 4

    I’m having mine tomorrow so can’t help but I hope you feel better soon.


    Hey had mine today too! 550 left 450cc right. My left side is really sore think it’s because of the larger implant but can’t move my left side at all and I went over the muscle! Feel quite spacy as they gave a fair bit of morphine lol!
    Hope you feel better in the morning 🙂

    Leona 1

    I had such a painful recovery !! Most girls here say they’re not too bad so wasn’t expecting it too be so bad but I guess everyone is different! I literally stayed laying in bed for 4 days as it hurt to move! To stand, to flush the loo, I couldn’t even cut my dinner! Made me feel awful and regretted having IT but by day 5 was much better and by day 7-9 pretty much back to normal and then I forgot all about the pain!! I do remember those four days going so slowly and feeling like I was gonna be in agony forever!! But I promise you day 5 onwards and then you start to forget! Make the most of it, be lazy where you can. I just slept on and off all day !! Xx

    Emma 1

    Feeling a bit better today…but oh my, never thought it would be like this! how’s you Zoe x

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