3days post op- feeling like c**p Started by: Zoe

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  • Zoe 3

    Hi beautiful ladies. I’m 3days post op and I feel absolutely pants. My nurse before leaving hospital was new so I don’t know if I asked the right questions type of thing, my bra doesn’t feel right, I don’t know if it’s meant to be lose or tight, the pain in one boob is awful compared to the other side ???? feeling poop but absolutely in love with my new painful boobs. Dr T 350cc unders

    Zoe 3

    If I can get them to load my before and day 1 after

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    kelly 58

    Hi Zoe, pics look fab. Don’t worry day 3-5 were probably my worst also. It gets much better after a week, Your bra should be tight and supportive, but do not forget you will have a lot of swelling also, so it should start to not feel as tight as the swelling goes down. Keep on top of your pain meds. Make sure you try at least a little walk around the house now and again for your circulation, it will get better. I think week 2 i started to much more like myself. However carrying around the boobs felt so unnatural to me till at least week 4 which i am now. You will notice them change so much from now till at least 10 weeks, so do not get worried if one drops first or one is more swollen etc. We have a whats app group with 30 girls on who have all had surgery in November and we all share stories and concerns, its a great laugh and we are all going out in January. You are more than welcome to join this group , we have newcomers all the time, let me know and PM your number and i can add you x


    Bless you. If say what your feeling is totally normal I’m afraid. I felt awful for 5 days to be totally honest and one boob hurt more than the other and my boobs were swollen and bra felt tight and breast band restrictive. It’s ok it will get easier! One day at a time x

    Zoe 3

    Thank you so much ladies for getting back to me. Kelly that’s absolutely fantastic thank you. I’ve added you as a friend so I can send you my number. Should I be doing anything at this point in the healing process. I’ve read and seen people have been completely strapped up and I haven’t just my MYA bra I’ve also read people doing Implant displacement exercises what are they and why lol sorry I feel like I’m sat in the dark abit. Much love ladies xxx

    kelly 58

    Zoe i had no strapping, and just wore my bra. Did no displacement exercises at all, ( wasn’t told to) no massaging, Just pure relaxing. Ill add you to the group now babe x

    Lauren 8

    I’m 3 days P.O. too and feeling a little bit better today but I can’t believe how much pain i have been in as usually I’ve got a high pain tolerance, I think it is to be expected though as we’ve been cut open and had something placed in! I can’t wait to see how mine heal I’ve changed my bra as one of them was a little too tight and felt like it was strangling my new boobs haha Ive got 450cc so not really sure what is swelling and what isn’t!

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