3DPO 300cc unders from 34a mr traynor Started by: Faye

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  • Faye 21

    I had my op Tuesday morning and have had my macom on ever since not daring to take it off and have a look until now!
    I was an empty 34a and had 300cc unders by mr traynor hoping to be a full c cup and wanted a natural look.
    although I am in pain I am so happy with them now Iv finally looked at them! Just can’t wait to feel normal again and be able to move my arms and have a good nights sleep!

    Ps has anyone else experienced greasy skin after their op? My face especially is constantly oozing with grease!!


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    they look good hun and yes!! i’m cleansing about 3 times a day lol it was a nightmare first couple of days but not so bad now xx

    Chloe 40

    They look fab !! I’m dying to look but to scared to open my Macom I feel as if they’re going to fall out ? Aha and yes ! I’m so so oily on my face and chest ! Xx


    Hi hun! Im going in on 30th jan! I’m currently a small 34A and hoping for 300/325 cc HP unders!
    How you feeling? they look fab xxx

    L87 78

    Glad it went well- 🙂 xx

    Faye 21

    Haha Chloe that’s how I felt! Like they were gunna fall out but it actually felt really nice to take some pressure off them for a minute!

    Lorna- they are the 2 sizes I was given the option of but decided on 300 on the day! Pain is worst first thing on a morning, it’s like when they aren’t hurting their totally fine but when they hurt they reallyyyy hurt!! Good luck with your op!

    Thanks girls xx

    Elizabeth 13

    Faye are yours high profile x

    sabrina 92

    They look great Faye .. im 7dpo and had strappin off yesterday, macom drying on rad and lush very soft cheap sports bra on atm nice and stretchy.. It’s just amazing how each day you improve and feel so much better and can do so much more. I can move my arms about no problem at all now.. I woke at 4 today cos forgot to take any meds last night,, if you keep on top of your meds then the pain in the morn is not so bad by day 5/6/7.. good luck with everything 🙂 x

    Louise 9

    They look great. You’re stats are very similar to me and I’m hoping to be a c cup too. I’m seeing Mr Traynor Monday for my consultation and have my surgery early March. I’ll defo be asking for 300cc x

    Vicky*★. 231

    They look fab! I’m in with mr traynor on the 28th march can’t wait xxxxxx I am a seriously empty 32A xxxx


    They look really good
    I have my surgery on 22nd of Feb …I’m having 350cc partial xx


    They look amazing!! Do you have anymore photos Face? My surgery is next week and can’t decide between 275cc and 300cc unders. Thanks xx

    sabrina 92

    defo go for 300cc Rebecca 25cc will hardly make much difference and I bet you will wish you went that slight bit larger .. everyone does hehe x

    Diane 14

    Hi girls.
    Im hoping to book in with dr traynor after seeing him for a 2nd consult in march to discuss more options. He offered me 375cc overs previously. Do you all mind if i add you? All your stats seem very similar to myself.

    Elizabeth 13

    Rebecca I am also worrying, surgery booked for next Fri 24th and surgeon has recommended 300cc but I wondering if they will be too big and I should go smaller. As I currently have nothing.


    Also interested to know what profile these are Faye?
    I’ve seen some photos of 300cc boobs and they look really big but yours are a lovely size. If mine are like this then I’ll be happy!

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