3rd day Started by: Ashley

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  • Ashley 10

    So I haven’t been in much pain since the op which has been great. Dreaded day 3 has arrived and I can’t even get out of bed!!! Ouch!!! Hopefully my painkillers will kick in soon. Xx

    Amy 265

    It will soon pass hun keep up to your meds and try not to sit down for really long periods as you end up with back/ bum ache on top of all the other aches and pains. I went for a little walk just to my friends house I must have looked like hunch back of notredame but I felt loads better and it tired me out for a good nights sleep x

    Ashley 10

    That’s what I was thinking to do today… The sun is out so I might try take a walk if I’m not in too much pain. My mum just fed me some painkillers so hopefully they will work soon and I’ll be okay to get up lol. Xx


    Keep on top of your meds chick that’s what I’m trying to do . My left ones stinging today. I keep saying it’ll all be worth it lol ️xx

    Ashley 10

    Yea… It’s only my right one that’s hurts! If I hold it and move then it doesn’t but I just can’t let go lol it will definitely be worth it xx


    I feel your pain hun literally lol. My right one stings a little where stitches are but left one is really tight. I can’t even hold it, it hurts xx

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