3weeks and 4days post op and still have 1 sterystrip on! Started by: kim

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  • kim 45

    At my 1 week post op app I had all my dressing removed but the nurse made one of the incisions slight bleed so she put a stery strip on and said it would fall off on its own however I’m nearly 4weeks post op and its hanging on in there!! I don’t really wanna pull it off just incase I pull a scab off or it re opens ? does anyone know how long they normally take to come off? And if it’s actually ok to be on for as long as it has?

    Xx..A..xX 81

    @kim-passey I don’t know why she has told you it will fall off on it’s own..how strange of her!! As it has been on for so long, my advice would be to take it off. It will be a breeding ground for bacteria (damp, warm environment)! It will be stuck on well after all this time, so get it wet in the shower (no products just water) and if there is a scab underneath that will help to unstick from it, and then just slowly peel it off!! Let me know how you get on xx

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