4.5 months post op … help ! i dont know whats happened Started by: mallie

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  • mallie

    4.5months post lollipop lift and under muscle implants. One is still tight and too full in the pole. But the other one is hanging way too low and too the side …it goes into my armpit when i lay down and literally slides around and is so uncomfortable. Also the scar has separated and raised in places at the top, my other concern is they are too far apart ..Really worried it is going to be difficult to fix. Really regretting getting them done, surgeon is only suggesting opening up the tight breast pocket to allow it too come down, but doesnt see a problem with the one causing me the problems 🙁 . So sad as i saved up so long and i have no more cash to fix it. Feel even worse than before about my breasts.

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    Chloe 122

    Im sorry this has happened te do seem quite far apart, did u have a gap pre op? Wat profile did u have? I don’t no wat to suggest othe than maybe speaking to your surgeon again about what can be done bout them being so far to the side xx

    Laura 47

    They are at different angles aren’t they? I’m sure that needs to be rectified. Who did your surgery? It must be heartbreaking. Im sure they can sort it xx

    Stacey 496

    Was your gap as big pre op Hun if so my surgeon told me that doesn’t change it stays the same with implants it defo looks like something’s not right tho your scars don’t look like them directly in middle of boob either I’d be pushing to get it rectified and wouldn’t be taking notice for an answer what sugeon did you have ? Xx

    Claudine 196

    Read up on Lateral Displacement Mallie, heart goes out to you im having the same issue, i hope they are willing to help you xxx

    Claudine 196

    Im 13 wks post op and it’s definately gotten alot worse over the past 2 weeks do you have any rippling at the sides and are yours flat fronted when your stood up straight? xxx

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