4 WEEKS POST OP Started by: Vicky

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  • Vicky 6

    4 weeks post op tomorrow and invested in a post surgery bra from Matalan today as I have my Xmas do tomorrow evening and don’t want to wear my granny (Macom) bras haha
    Currently a 36D… will wait until 12 weeks before getting measured properly ?

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    Are you comfortable in it?
    I’ve also just invested in a non wired bra to wear for my Xmas do but I’m so unsure of the size!

    Vicky 6

    Well it’s certainly nowhere near as supportive as the macom ones, I hate not having them on to be honest!
    It does seem to fit?! But I’m aware they will still change so that it might not always fit (it was only £8!) – it was the only size I tried on too… I figured if I’m only wearing it for a few hours I should be ok.. (fingers crossed!)
    Did you try yours on???xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Vicky 6.

    Yes I did,I’ve worn it for a few hours but was a little uncomfortable.
    Yours is pretty,looks a good fit.
    Did you have overs?
    I had 410cc overs and they’ve dropped and softened so much,wish I could have gone bigger!

    Vicky 6

    Aww thanks, it is actually quite pretty!
    Yeah I’m not sure we can even get measured until 12 weeks post op! So I’m just going by what fits at the moment…
    Yes I did Hun, 400cc… mine have only just started to soften and haven’t dropped at all, but I wonder if it might take longer as my skin has had to stretch so much !!?
    Aww I’ve heard so many people say they wish they’d gone bigger!! I think I’ll be happy with mine. With this bra on under my top they looked sizeable!! haha – there’s always push up bras??xx

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