4 weeks post op & i hate my boobs cant stop crying pics added. Started by: sarahlouise13

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    girls im feeling so low today and cant stop crying. im only 4 weeks post op this tues coming, i understand its ‘still early days’ and they need to settle and drop still. but i hate my boobs. i was in love with them up to 1 week ago and since then iv had a huge reality check. today was the first day i took photos of my boobs lying down, pre op i was very asymetric i have uploaded pics what i was like before. and i kept telling myself that my right boob just needed to settle and drop. i honestly think i need a re op to sort out my horrid boobs i cant even bring myself to look at them now :( i have uploaded some pics to show what i mean. my left boob which was my bigger boob is very noticeably diff to my right and it has dropped so much that i still have saggy skin at the top of my boob. i think i have had a too small implant and i should have had one a lot bigger and higher profile to fill out my saggy skin, the implant just feels lost in there. also when i lie down they look horrid. you can see the implant it looks like i have 2 layers on a cake. i will never be able to sun bath with confidence and just feel like such an idiot wasting £5000 to look worse not better. my concerns are im only 4 weeks post op nearly and if my left keeps settling it will look awful and the implant will never fill out the skin, my right will never drop enough to look like the left and even if it did i will always have the problem of horrid boobs if i lay down. i know they will look good in a bra but i spent the last 30 years adapting my bra to hide my boobs and make them look better i should not have to do that after a BA.

    also i like the size onme as i think they suit my frame but i knwo the only way to fix it will be having bigger implants and i worrid they will not suit, i also think i should have had high projection not low projection implants.

    please please look at my photos and give me your honest opinion however brutal it is (within reason as i do have feelings) do you think my surgeon will fob me off or are my concerns really that noticeable?


    Oh Hun I really feel bad for you. If you aren’t happy you should def see your surgeon again. I hope things improve. X


    Maybe you can upload the new pics that you show the issue you are unhappy with. Because with the pics you have up right now, they do look great and very natural. Maybe slightly different, but coming from your pre op that is normal.


    aw hun sorry to here that its guttin that uve paid all that money and youve not got what you wanted is it alright if i add you as im going with the same dr xx

    myamoderator 138

    Hi Sarahlouise

    I am so sorry to see you feel this way. The best thing to do is to speak to your PC for reassurance and arrange to see your surgeon.

    Please send me your details if you would like me to ask your PC to call you.

    MYA Mod x

    staceylash 1

    I’ve added you hun, I’ll tell you honestly what I think of them X


    Hope you don’t mind me adding you so I can give you another opinion xxx


    iv uploaded pics to show what i mean about my concerns

    amw4u – i know i was in love with them and thought they were great i cant understand why they have turned out this way, i have been following all after care guidlines, wearing only macom bras, not exercising, not drinking. so it cant be anything i have done, but it doesnt stop my thinking maybe i have done something wrong.

    MYA MOD i have contacted my pc today and she has been great and brought my appointment forward to see my surgeon, thanks.

    i just wanted the girlies opinion on how they look so i can fo prepared when i see my surgeon and not be fobbed off that they will settle. coz nothing will improve then when i lay down :(

    30 years old and all i want is my mum lol but she lives in spain gutted


    Hiya Hun,hope your ok. i ll have a look and give you my honest opinion. ill add you.



    aww hun sending big (((((HUGS))))

    ive just look at your pics,

    and yes there is something wrong with the one where your lay down… sorry dont want to upset you, but im sure your surgeon will sort it for you.. a re op maybe??

    good luck and keep us posted.. im sure you will be fine..xx

    LK 1

    Hia hun, hope you don’t mind if I add you x


    added you girls,

    joanne thanks hun for your honesty, im hopng when MR C sees them he will agree to reop straight away and i wont be fobbed off, just feeling so low today im starting to get on my own nerves lol x

    LK 1

    I’ve sent you a friend request hun xx


    sorry LK i think i have accepted you now :) x

    LK 1

    Ah hun, I feel for you really. You’re right, there is a big difference in both boobs and the lying down pic says it all really. Having said that mind you were quite assymetrical to begin with, but I do think the surgeon should have compensated for this more. Also, I think that you should have had bigger in both boobs.

    Hope you’re ok, and you get your re-op x


    Oh I’m so sorry you feel this way hun. Ive got quite empty breasts after breasting feeding my little girl so this is a huge worry for me. Hope you dont mind me adding you so I can give you my opinion.



    thanks for your honesty LK, i was prepared for them to be slightly different in size but not how they look now. i agree i think i should have had bigger implants. im def going to push for a reop but now im worried that if i have bigger implants then they wont suit my frame :( just hate the thought of having to go through yet another op to correct something that should never have happened x


    not at all rosaa i’ll add you now, thanksfor the message some girls are adding me but not sending a message 1st, feel like all they want it is to be nosey lol xx


    ok, I can absolutely see and understand what you mean now. They are still different size right now but I am sure it is something your surgeon can take care off and get much better. Maybe your different boobs just reacted and dropped different than he expected in the op.

    I am sure you can sort something out. And no, there was nothing you did wrong. Don’t beat yourself up.

    LK 1

    I think you could definitely pull off bigger, easily 380 I’d say hun x


    Hi do u mind adding me ? X


    Ok honestly I think either of them at the size & shape they are now would look nice if they matched. There clearly is a difference that is noticeable which you don’t want after spending £5000. The most important is the laying down photo. That is not ok. Show to your surgeon. Make sure you dont get fobbed off IMO you should have a re op. hope I haven’t upset you. X


    Aww I’m gutted for you :( just the other week you were saying to me how happy you were and how Mr C is a boobie god and now you’re so upset :(

    They have changed SO much since your 10 day pics, it really looks like you should have gotten bigger implants to fill out the skin more! I really hope Mr C can sort this out for you. I also agree with LK that you could pull off bigger implants xx


    ahh thanks girls for you honesty. rosaa you havnt upset me hun im very greatful for your comments hun. LK lets hope MR C thinks the same and that will be enough to sort out my little problem. a – merie i know thats why im gutted as i was really happy at 10 days. i stopped taking pics daily and started taking them weekly thats when i really noticed a difference.

    But i still stand by my comment MR C is a boobie god IF HE FIXES THIS HIC UP!!!!! lol if not he will be the boobie devil lol, you girls have really cheered me up by being honest thanks. i was starting to think that it was just me that could see it xx

    dolly92 3

    So sorry to read this, very disappointed with Mr C!

    As others have said on here, the implants that he used are far too small and they don’t fill out the skin properly which is why one of them looks droopy. This is not something that will sort itself out with time, you 100% deserve a free re op. Can’t believe this! :O stay strong and let us all know how you get on x


    cheers dolly lets just hope he thinks so too x

    dolly92 3



    I hon, i’ve messaged you separately x


    Hi huni really hop mr c sorts it for u .. Keep smiling huni xx


    Hey hun, ive added u hope thats ok. I really feel for you, its so not nice when u pin so much on somthing like this only to feel let down in the end. I hope you get sorted with your surgeon, im sure things will be xx


    hi hun, ive just looked at your photos and I agree the implants are to small. Pre op, they where a little assymetrical, as most of us are but your surgeon should have know the best way to tackle it! You also had skin so I cant understand why its not been filled out with a larger implant. I really wounldnt get yourself to upset, I cant see your surgeon refusing to fix the problem….its obviously his error! I hope it gets sorted for you very soon….its not fair! xxx chin up hun, I know it must be hard xxx


    Hello, I don’t know you, but I just wanted to say I really feel for you. As a pre-op the worst thing is wondering if you’re going to love your new boobs. It’s soooo much money and so disappointing for you :( x


    thanks for all your messages and support girls.

    i just want to say that i am very confident that this will be fixed and i WILL have a re op. i have 100% confidence in MYA, Mr Chantarasak and my PC krystina @ bristol who was amazing this morning and booked me in straight away without any hesitation. for all pre op girls unfortunetly this is just one of those things we all know the risks of surgery and that the results may not be 100% perfect 1st time round thats why mya have such a great after care system. as i am hopefully going to find out.

    iv waited 30 years for great boobs so whats another few weeks/months till i get the results that i have been excited about for years. this forum is such a great support for when you need to rant and get the honest opinions of others, as sometimes family & friends dont want to tell you for fear of upsetting you. iv calmed down a little now, i have no more tears left lol :) and just keep thinking what is the worst that could happen ‘ i have to put up with these boobs for a little longer’ thats it xx

    charlie1 -3

    Aww hun I really hope u do get the boobs you’ve always wanted. Like u say I’m sure mya will sort u out. Keep us updated hun xx


    If u dont want to go too big you may need an uplift in the left breast to take in the extra skin otherwise you will probably need to go alot bigger in both and then you could end up with sag and then end up with an uplift anyway! I must admit looking at your pre op that I am surprised the surgeon didnt advise an uplift for the left breast as it was a lot lower than the right.


    Hi Sarah sorry to hear this, I’ve had a look at your recent pics & can see your concern,they’ve changed so much haven’t they, when are you seeing mr c? Hope you get the all sorted ASAP xxxx


    Hi I just had a look at your pics I can defiantly see where you are coming from … keep you chin up hun you should defy get a reop, I suppose this is the hardest part just waiting . Good luck I hope you get what you want soon xx


    Good luck getting your re op, there is a difference between your size there no way Dr c will fob you off, he’ll want to make sure all patients happy with results, just hope you havnt got to wait too long xx


    I agree with 5stonedown you may need an uplift.. but please don’t get too upset the main thing now is getting to see Dr C again i’m hoping you don’t have to wait too long for a re-op xx


    Babe I haven’t read the whole thread but read your first post. So sorry that you’re feeling this way and hope you get it sorted! Your my boobie buddy :( sending you hugs xxx


    Awww sarahlouise I am so gutted your feeling like this, we started our journey round the same time, think you were my first friend on here :((((( defo go back and see surgeon, please don’t be sad it’s something that can be fixed, hope you get it sorted soon xxxx


    Thinking about having a BA & uplift ??

    Sorry to hear your not happy XxX


    Thinking about having a BA & uplift ??

    Sorry to hear your not happy XxX


    Hi SarahLouise.. I’m so sorry to hear you’re unhappy with your BA! But it’s good you’re going back to see your surgeon about it.. I’ve added you as a friend! I hope it all works out in your favour. Hugs. xxx


    Hey hunny had mine same day as u i deffo think u should of had bigger hun hope this gets sorted for uxxx


    Hey hunny had mine same day as u i deffo think u should of had bigger hun hope this gets sorted for uxxx


    Hi hunni sorry to hear this, I think that everybody see there bodies in a different way to everyone else, I hope that this gets resolved for you though.. But I’m sure they look fine either way :-) goodluck xx


    I wish u all the luck.and hoping u r more sucessful than I.

    This to happened to me with 300s… Mr c blamed it on my skin eleasticity.

    I had to fight with headoffice for a reop which took 6months…

    Stil then still had to pay 2500 towards the op…and they wet corrected with larger implants.



    I wish u all the luck.and hoping u r more sucessful than I.

    This to happened to me with 300s… Mr c blamed it on my skin eleasticity.

    I had to fight with headoffice for a reop which took 6months…

    Stil then still had to pay 2500 towards the op…and they wet corrected with larger implants.



    Hi huni

    Just do not cry anymore… I really feel sorry for you.

    What size were you before and what implant size have

    you got put in?

    could I see your pics. Please add me.

    Not too worry bbe.

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