4 weeks post op & i hate my boobs cant stop crying pics added. Started by: sarahlouise13

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    Hope you manage to get everything sorted Sarah. Let us all know what happens x


    Aww sarah! Ive just had a look at your pics and yes the implant is too small.

    I really hope you get it sorted asap xx


    I agree that the implant is too small, hope that this gets sorted for you, try not to worry, goodluck xx


    Have added you hun. Please try not to get too upset, I’m sure things will get sorted for you xxx


    Really sad reading your post. I really hope you can get it fixed in good time without any more stress than necessary. Following my unsuccessful revision op I’ve been trying to get things sorted with head office since 27 February and no luck as of yet. I really hope you have better luck with head office than I have! My experience of the after care has not been good at all. I wish you all the best x


    Hi hun, so sorry for your tears. I don’t think there’s any debate looking at your pics that you deserve a second chance to have them made right – and no way should you be expected to pay any more!

    Sending you big hugz,

    K. xXOx


    Hi, I’ve just added you, I hope you don’t mind! I’m so sorry you feel so bad but remember it is early days still and I really hope you feel better soon! Lots of love x x x


    Hi there.

    Im new on here today and its really upsetting to read and feel what you are going through. I really hope you get this sorted hun and are happy with the new results. Id like to have a look but you dont know me so its ok. Hope it gets sorted let us know how u get on. Take care angie xxx


    Hi there.

    Im new on here today and its really upsetting to read and feel what you are going through. I really hope you get this sorted hun and are happy with the new results. Id like to have a look but you dont know me so its ok. Hope it gets sorted let us know how u get on. Take care angie xxx


    hi girls iv added you, thanks for all the kind words, PM, ans support means alot. My pc has been great so im very hopefull this will be sorted asap for me :)

    i have a page full of friend requests from girls but no messages, i have put this post up for personal support from girls and to help others. this is a really sensitive issue for me, and i find it really upsetting, so i can only assume that people just want to be nosey and look at the horrid pics if they cant even be bothered to pm me or write on this post.

    booked in to see MR C 30/6 so hopefully my next post will be a good news one shouting that he has agreed to re op. i was so excited about my new boobs and use to run to the mirror every morning to see how much they changed and settled, now i cant even bring myself to look at them :(


    Aww sarah it does look too small hum but i.know how u feel u arnt alone chick. Mine r terrible like rocks in socks. Check my piks if u like. Im confident it will get sorted for u hunni. Lots of hugs xxx


    weird why cant i read peoples posts on here whats going on?


    whats going on with this post?


    Chin up now Hun, let me know what mr c says ok xxx


    Hey babe I’ve added you! My op is next week and I’m super scared! Sorry to hear your not happy keep smiling I’m sure they will put right any wrongs xxz


    hi sarah hope you dont mind if i add you to look at your pics! feel bad for you hun you seem ery upset which is understandable… spend years dreaming of what your boobs look like and i know how disheartening it must feel to have them not how you wanted at all :( it will get sorted keep positive x


    Hey by ops next week! Sorry to hear your not happy I’m sure they will put right the wrongs keep smiling xxx


    added u girls x


    Hi Sarah, I am in a very similar situation as you 18 months post op , I have just had the crashing realisation that I am going to want a re_op. I had asymetry and some sagging before my BA and I was told that i wouldnt need different size implants, my surgeon was wrong, really wrong , also i had teardrop shape implants so not enough upper pole fullness to fill the looser skin. I had said I wanted small tidy boobies , what I have now looks to me like a bigger version of what i had before. I am now starting to get the same self concious feelings I had before the BA. So im going to have them re done .Im so sorry to hear that you feel so rubbish right now , perhaps you will be lucky and they will settle down , they do move about and change loads in the first 6 months and bra finding is really tricky until they drop and fluff . Also fluffing is something to hang on to because they will puff up and fill some of the loose skin (if you went under the muscle)when the muscle relaxes. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you and I hope you start to see and feel improvement any day now x caroline


    Hi hun, keep your chin up; I’m sure Mr C will sort you out. Keep us posted. Big hugs x


    thanks girls, caroline i had overs so dont think they will improve anymore then what they have already, it lying down that really upsets me as you can see in my pics it doesnt look right and im so embarressed to go topless at the mo. all my old self confidence is coming back, dont want to look at them :( but i have all my trust in mr c to fix it as he is a great surgeon xx


    are you ok hun? how are you feeling now? x


    Hi hun hope you dont mind me adding you, my boobs were completely different until about 8 weeks with the swelling and settling down!! My left boob was soo high and massive compared to the right but they started to settle down after about 10 weeks. Everyones different babe but if you think its best i’d go back to your surgeon, big hugs xx


    im feeling ok having good & bad days, still cant bring myself to look at them much and i certainly dont love them anymore. had my fiance brothers gf say they look horrid to my face at the weekend and that she can def tell there is a size diff. i respect peoples honesty but that hurt a little :( just really hoping that mr c will see how they look and the effect its having on me and jump to fix it very soon. starting to really stress at the mo and i think its effecting my crohns disease. but hey ho cant do anything about it so trying to keep positive bring on sat and the good news I WILL HAVE XX

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