400/325cc overs will size change ?? Started by: Kym

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  • Kym 6

    I’m only a few days PO and already thinking there to small 🙁
    I know everyone will say be paitient etc which I have no choice but to be but can’t be forking out all that money again to go bigger when I did ask to be bigger in the first place and surgeon just said no, I’m sure if it was any other surgeon they would of agreed or maybe even suggest going under the muscle ( think this allows you a little more ) his done a good job with the asymmetry as I had a big difference but for my height and build just don’t feel 400/325cc are big enough.

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    Kym 6

    Trying to attach after pic and won’t allow

    Kym 6

    After 400/325cc and nipple lift on right boob

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    They will get
    Bigger Hun xx

    Kym 6

    I do hope so

    Laura 47

    They’re still set so high. You need to give them time to settle in and what a difference they have made! Your surgeons done a great job! I had 375 overs and I look down and they don’t seem that big- I look in the mirror now they’ve dropped a bit and they look so much bigger.
    After signing up to this site and seeing so many girls panicked I promised myself I wouldn’t analyse my boobs or measure them until 6 weeks. They’re in now and for at least the next 12 months that’s what you have. Give them time and try not to stress over them. I think they look good but they’ll look even better very soon x

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