400cc dual plane premium Started by: Beth

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  • Beth 1

    Had my op yesterday and now in serious pain!!! Shooting in breast and achy. Anyone else? Think it’s the strap but wanted to check If others felt the same…

    Serena 11

    How long did this pain last. I had my op yesterday x


    I’m 6days Op, and in a bit of pain today, had 405 dual, . Lots of nipple pain and tightnesses. How long did it last ? Your will be all settled now ? You pleased with them ??

    Carly 2

    I had 380cc dual plane and I’m 3 weeks post op on Saturday. My pain completely settled and I stopped painkillers at day 6, I was back to work at day 9 and I still have uncomfortable days where they feel heavy and I get incision pain but it’s bearable. How are you today xx

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