400cc high profile unders Started by: Emma-Louise

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  • Emma-Louise 20

    Hey girls so my surgery is booked 13 days away eeeek! I’m having 400cc high profile unders has anyone had the same I’m currently a A cup and was wondering what size it will take me to any advice would be great thanks xx

    Kelly 30

    Hi are you on the 28th at the Fitzroy I am having 400cc hp xx

    Cheynne 18

    I just added you as a friend, Hope you dont mind. Im hoping to get 400cc HP unders. I have a tiny frame though! I reckon it will take you up to a D maybe bigger? xx

    Emma-Louise 20

    Hi Kelly yeah I’m 28th I’m in Preston I’m worried they won’t be how I want them did they say what cup size 400 will take you to and what cup size are you now if you don’t mind me asking xx

    Kelly 30

    I am a 32aa I am having overs he said they will be probably a large c so you should be not far off a d cup as your half a size bigger than me xx


    Hey chick there is 150cc per cup size so u should be pushing on a D cup 1st time round for me I had 385/415cc with uplift I started with a DD cup so went to a 34g and then I had 450cc/385cc and stayed at the 34G now I’m 7 weeks post op. With 590cc and 34GG/H x

    Rebecca 46

    Hey Emma you will prob be around D or slightly bigger as I measured DD with 375 cc and was b/c cup before hand .
    Was you not allowed any bigger ? Who was your surgeon x


    I feel that surgeons don’t fill you to your max as they know all to well girls end up going back for bigger x

    kelly3322 21

    I’m having 450 high profile unders on sunday. So excited but no idea what size I can expect to be either. I’m a 34 c now. Good luck. Xxx

    Rebecca 46

    Yeah I feel the same as you Alex ! They don’t give you the max and then most girls get a second one going bigger x


    Oh KELLY3322 wot a nice a nice round off chunky size with 450cc if your a 34C you should turn out an Ecup or little bigger depending on your own breast size is a full C cup xx I have felt that way about the max fill for over 3 years now REBCCA as I use to be FF/GG with my own dollys then I had my 3rd child 4years ago and drop to a DD with a quite a lot of skin to be removed with a uplift I was told I could only have 385/415cc and no bigger I was like are you kidding me all my life from being about 13years I had big dollys and at the time on hear ther wear girls much smaller than me from breast/ frame and they wear going from B cup and able to have 650cc anyway needed a reop was told I could have 450cc to which I know he didn’t fill me up to wot he should of done so I got chance to change to a diffrent surgon as I needed a re op again and told me I needed nipple lift on right with 590cc over muscle this time x

    Rebecca 46

    Really . What surgeons did you have before and after Alex ? Yeah sometimes I don’t get how different surgeons can give like 200cc different sometimes ! One of my friend went to another company and with mya got told 325 and with another they said 450/500 and they don’t even look that big now so ! Xxx

    Emma-Louise 20

    Thankyou girls! So excited I wanted to be around a dd/e it carnt come quick enough! My surgeon is mr mounir xxx

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