Hey girls,
So I’ve just uploaded photos to my profile of my progress so far! So feel free to add me.
I had a bit of a melt down 5 days post op (I posted a long post on here about it lol!) because I thought they looked awful, they were high up, square and not as big as I had hoped for and all you lovely ladies reassured me they will get better and they definitely have! I had my check up yesterday and she said my scars are healing really well, still have to wait one more week to shower though boo! Yesterday (one week post op) I thought my boobs looked better but then I woke up this morning and they’ve changed loads again over night! So I am super glad they seem to be getting better everyday now I am the worlds worst when it comes to patience so that’s why i was so devastated last week haha. So yes, all photos from before to now are on my profile