400cc too big? Started by: Leyla

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  • Leyla

    I’ve got my surgery booked for the 7th of June I’m 5ft 6, size 8 and about 120lbs. My boobs haven’t been the same since breast feeding, I’m currently a 34b and I’m hoping to go to a d/dd I’m getting medium low profile breasts. I was wondering if 400cc is too big ?



    I don’t think that’ll be 2 big. It’ll look in proportion. Did u not try the implants? Xx


    Hi there I’m having 400cc on mon I’m 5″6 10-12 and a saggy 34b hoping to be a full D. I tried the fillet implant sizes on at consultation to reach this decision. your stats are roughly the same as mine and going from what most girls say on here they nearly always don’t feel big enough afterward even though they are !! I’m freaking a bit about the swelling but hopefully that’ll go down quick enough ! Xx


    They will be perfect..i had 420cc from 34b and they look great…they look really natural and def not too big…don’t go smaller as you will regret it..400cc is a great size and you’ll def be a 34d/dd …good luck x

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