Hi girls just wavt to give you my story to anyone that is worrying don’t at all!!
I had my op today at Preston with dr Mounir,
I got up at 6 had my shower ect and left home at 8!
My admission time was 11am I got there at 5 to 11 oops!!!
I was seen straight to my room, private room with ensuite, I was given a gown and some sexy paper knickers!!
A nurse came to see me to do my paperwork and pregnancy test helped me pop my surgery socks on, while doing my blood pressure ect.
Then I met my aneithatist who ran through questions with me, dr Mounir then came and drew on me.
I went down to theatre at 2 wasn’t scary at all just felt like I was falling to sleep, then woke up at 3.30 starving had some toast and tea and was on my way home at 6.30!!
Took no pain killers so far I’m at home in my bed feeling great just stiff xxx
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