420cc overs Started by: aimbrown

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    Hi all I had my op on 13 November with Mr Singh. Was a 32b (small) and had 420 overs. I was fretting so much about size beforehand and I didn’t decide till the day of surgery I asked Mr Singh what he thought would be best for me between 375 and 420 and he said 420 so I stuck with that as he’s the professional. They were heavily strapped for first week and I was very worried they we’re too big. Ive had strapping off now and naked they do look big but thankfully they do hide well under clothes. I am pleased but am hoping there is quite a bit more dropping to do as they look a bit stuck on at the moment. I’ll try and add some pics soon.

    Would love to see some pics of other girls who’ve had a similar size so I know that mine are looking as they should.

    For those of you who are worrying about lifting children after op I have an 8 month old and started lifting her after a week. Luckily I had my mum with me for the first week so didn’t even have to try. Was hard not being able to cuddle her much but making up for it now.

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