425 or 450cc HP UNDERS from a 34b Started by: Kelli

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  • Kelli 1

    Hi, I have my op in a couple of weeks.
    I’m currently a 34b and have been offered a choice of 400, 425 & 450cc. I think I’m more torn between the 425cc & 450cc as I find a lot of you say to definitely go bigger.
    However, I’m quite slim and very tall.
    I’m 5ft 9 & weight 9.2 stone.
    I think because I’m tall the bigger size will be fine but it worries me being skinny that it won’t look right..
    I’d really appreciate your opinions and if anyone with 425cc or 450cc from a B cup can please share their pictures? Thank you 🙂

    Rebekah 174

    I had 450 HP xxx

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    Kelli 1

    Wow they look amazing!

    Becca 167

    Kelli our stats are ridiculously similar. I’m 5’9” too, I was 9 stone 7 at the time of my surgery and I’m 9 stone 3 now, I started out with a B, I measured E/F at 6 weeks, I’m now 11 weeks and I really need to get measured again as I’m sure they’ve changed loads in the last 5 weeks. I had 430cc and on a big frame like mine it’s really not that big at all. There’s so little difference between 425cc and 450cc that I would say you definitely should go for 450cc as an absolute minimum, possibly even bigger depending on the end look that you are aiming for. I personally would have gone for bigger if it had been possible, but I wanted a very obvious, fake, augmented look.

    Amy halliwell 28

    I had 425cc overs hp yesterday. I was a 34B before

    Rebekah 174

    I’m 7stone7 and 5’1 xxxx

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