425cc Started by: Rebekah

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  • Rebekah 174

    Hey girls has anyone had 425cc from a A cup ? I’m having revision surgery next month and whilst I’m having revision Iv asked for a bigger implant as never been happy with the size I got in the first place hoping they won’t be too big for my frame would appreciate any pics xxx

    Abbie 11

    Hi I’m having 400cc partials from a 32B. What cc did you have originally? I’m worried 400cc might look massive on me! I’m 5ft6 & a size 6 x

    Rebekah 174

    I have 365cc @abbie101 they just don’t suit my frame at all I feel like they are too small , I’m 5’1 size 6 too my surgeon chose 415cc and I’m going to ask him to order the 425cc I don’t know if going up by only 50cc I will see much of a difference 🙁 xxx

    Abbie 11

    Oh really! That’s interesting because I keep feeling like what if 400cc looks ridiculously big on me! I loved them in the sizers but everyone who’s a similar size to me seems to be having 300cc or under. I did feel that 50cc from 350 to 400 made a big difference on me so I’m sure it’ll give you the look your wanting x

    Rebekah 174

    When trying them on they feel huge that’s why I chose 365cc I actually chose 345 to begin with when they are actually in you they are so much smaller ! I’ll upload a pic to show u how they look , I’m having to still wear a padded bra and I don’t want that 🙁 the Black bralet has a bit of padding in it too @abbie10 the orange dress I have no bra on and u can see they are quiet small xxx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Rebekah 174.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Rebekah 174.
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    Abbie 11

    That’s made me feel so much better! They look really natural in your clothes. I was stressing about going back to work & everyone noticing! How was your recovery? I’ve got 2 weeks off work xxx

    Rebekah 174

    I know I can’t wait to get bigger ones next month just hope they won’t look to big it’s so hard to decide isn’t it ! , my recovery wasn’t too bad it was painful but it passes each day gets easier I only had a week off work I work in a doctors surgery so I’m not moving much , 2 weeks will defiantly be enough time off @abbie10 xxx

    Hollie 10

    Hi Rebekah,

    I’m confused!……. how comes you are having a revision? I have followed your journey and thought you was really pleased and happy with your results? X

    Rebekah 174

    Hiya @pinkypie , my breast pocket is wonky over time it’s got worse I’ll try add my pic and u can see , it’s like the surgeon who has made the pockets in my cleavage haven’t been cut round xxx

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    Lucylu 5

    I feel really nervous now that mine are going to be too small once they have fully settled as you think yours are too small for your frame. Ive had 375 overs and I’m a size 10 clothing! Panicking now that I should have gone bigger xxxxx

    Lucylu 5

    I’m in a size E sports bra now tho. Finding it so confusing how everyone’s sizing is so different and some girls look so much bigger than others even though they have had a smaller implant xxx

    Rebekah 174

    I know @lucyluuuu isn’t it weird how everyone comes out different , mine measure a 32dd but implants always measure bigger because of the projection , I look more like a C in real life , did you have much boob brefore because I was tiny I was a A cup xxxx

    Lucylu 5

    I was a D cup but they were quite saggy and slightly tubular! I’m happy with the size but hoping they stay this size if you get me xxxxx

    Rebekah 174

    Oh I’m sure they will be fine 🙂 @lucyluuuu good luck In Recovery xxx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Rebekah 174.

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