425cc overs. Just over a year on Started by: Clare

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  • Clare 27

    Just over a year on. 425 Cc overs.
    I still have a bit of boob greed. But gone from a 34b to a 34 e/f.
    Recovery was a breeze. Had no pain and was back to normal a day or 2 later.
    They changed so much over the months tho so that’s one thing to keep in mind. Even after a year I still seen changes.
    A year on
    And before and straight after. Xxx

    Clare 27


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Clare 27. Reason: Photo rubbish
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    Melissa 6

    Your boobs look great Clare! I’m 2 weeks post op, I went for 425’s too, I was also a 34b – I went dual plane. I’m loving mines so far. Ive found recovery hard but finally feeling much better. I can’t wait to see mines once they settle down. I’m so fed up with the sports bra 😖 xxx

    Clare 27

    Thank you 😀
    Aw I loved mine when they were swollen. Hates it when the swelling went then tho lol. Aw glad your feeling better. I know the sports bras suck don’t they. 😞 xxx

    Claire 1

    They look great.

    Do you have any pics where you’re stood up please? Love to see how they sit!

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