460cc or 420cc pictures please ❤ Started by: Dorota

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  • Dorota 8

    Hi Girls. I have been offered different sizes of implants due to asymethry. One of them I’v been offered is 460 and the other one 420 or 420 and 375- they going to decide on the day of the surgery.
    I am quite skinny (size 8 small frame) but want to get nice big boobs so they offered round implants placed partially under the muscle. Have any of you got similar stats and got this size/shape of implant and be able to share some pic?
    thank you?

    Shameela 1

    What size are you looking to achieve? Who was your surgeon? I’m looking to get offered 500cc to achieve a large size but i’m size 10/12. Have you booked your op yet? xx

    Dorota 8

    hi. I have booked my surgery(27.06) but I am not Mya patient and don’t go with them. I just want to achive large,round boobs and got no idea what size to look for. After consultatation and all measurments of my chest i got offered 420 and 460 cc or 375 and 420 if they will not be able to fit this bigger pair of implants. Can’t really find many pic on the internet that is why I am asking here on forum because it is the only place I know girls sharing their pictures and overall experience.

    Gemma 19

    hello hun i have had 430cc if that helps i can send over pictures xxx

    Dorota 8

    Babe that would be great.
    I added you if you don’t mind xx

    Dorota 8

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