4DPO Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 63

    So I’m 4 days post op now, I am finally starting to feel more human! I can move around a lot more and I’ve managed not to take any painkillers yet. I had 295UHP unders on Thursday with Mr Mounir. I’m just wondering when they’ll start to look more fuller? They’re currently really full at the top then they go really flat, and I’m starting to wonder now if this is the size they will be or if they will get bigger once my muscles relax? Any advice would be appreciated! X

    Alf 11

    I had 280cc unders and I only really noticed them softening and feeling more like they were actually mine about 2.5-3 weeks post op but it can take longer than that I think!

    Hannah 63

    What size were you before if you don’t mind me asking? I know it’s a long process, but they look so alien at the moment haha. I’m starting to feel better in myself, trying not to look at them so much anymore x


    Mine are still like this lol they look so weird!!


    They are going to change tons chick. I have uhp unders and they dropped a bit around 12DPO. They change so much each day. It’s hard not to analyse them but how they are now is not a reflection of the final outcome. With unders too they get bigger later on. I feel flat chested in clothes at moment bit out of them can see they are taking shape. It’s all time…its very frustrating x

    Hannah 63

    Aww thanks for the reassurance! I’m 8DPO now and I’m already in love with them because I had a total flat chest to start with. I know they’re going to change loads though but I’m hoping they don’t get smaller! Haha. Hope you’re healing well! Xx

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