4dpo and still unable to move!! Anyone else? Started by: Claire

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  • Claire 32

    Hey. Today marks 4dpo and I was hoping yesterday I might be able to muster up the energy to go out for a walk but I can’t even put my socks on still. Right breast is behind in the healing process and feels super tight compared to the left. Please tell me I’m not alone to be still sat on my bum watching tv again today?! Recovering is harder than I thought and I can’t wait until Friday for my 1 week post op appointment. X


    Hey Claire I am 6DPO and I am just starting to feel myself. Like yourself I was still in a lot of pain at 4DPO, by the 5th Day I stopped taking my pain relief but still experiencing tightness and stinging pain but it was manageable hopefully as the days go by the pain will ease a little x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Amanda Young 8.
    Claire 32

    It feels like between my boobs is going to split! I know it won’t but wow it’s so painful. Thanks Amanda I find it reassuring what you’ve said and can’t wait until tomo where I hope to be feeling slightly better. X

    Corrine 18

    Hi Clare besides the pain how’s the results looking. I tried messaging to see how you got on but didn’t go through. I thought you’d be fine with overs 🙁 X xx

    Claire 32

    Hi Corrine I deleted my WhatsApp when I was having an app clear out sorry!! I was told since from my pc that I was unders then on the morning of surgery Dr said I was having overs?! I’m so confused lol but I’ll definitely find out this Friday for my post op. But yea besides the pain which has since subsided this afternoon, my boobs look incredible and I am in absolute love with them!! I’ll still be sleeping on the settee again tonight as it’s the only way I can sort of sleep sat up. How long until your op? Xxx

    Corrine 18

    As long as you like them, the pain should subside soon. Mines the 18th so not long now. In a whatsapp with loads of girls there’s a few most days so will make things go quicker seeing theirs x x. X

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