Hi im nearly 4weeks post op and at first i loved my new boobs. But now im seriously considering to go bigger!!!!!
Does anyone have any info and a rough guide to prices’s on a re-op????
thanks x
oh dear, are you not happy then hun? who did you have? and what sizes etc did you have? I’m in on wednesday, so bloody nervous!! of everything i think! lol xx
Im on two minds tbh!!!! They look great and overall im really happy with them and my surgeon (Mr Adamo) he is ace and my scars are already virtually impossible to see and right in the crease. I just wouldnt have minded them been bigger!!!! I was a 32/34 A and had 525cc high profile overs and at the mo im fillin a 34E post op bra which although sounds big they dont look that big. Every that has seen them says they wouldnt have em done again cos they are great the way they are and suit my frame etc.
I dont know what to do now esp since it already cost so much having them done the first time round
oh do not rush into anything its early days, wait till you can go out there n buy lots of nice bras to push them up n slightly padded ones, they will look great.. proper bras will make a difference, these sport bras are not flattering at all n do not give a proper shape.. you will be fine, we all have doubts, im 2 weeks post op n thought a few times should i have gone bigger, but im happy with them, happy with size, will be when get new bras..x
arr bless ya, i agree with adele hun, dont rush into anything, see how you feel after a few more weeks…i’m in on wed, keep worrying about the sizes myself, although i think they’ll be big enough for me, hope so anyway! lol
Did you take any photos at all? xx
I am probably better waiting. Yeah i took loads of pics lol x
lol i’ve taken a few before and def taking alot tomorrow, after!! haha any chance i could look at yours at all? Understand if not. If so i’ll give you my email, xsarax@sky.com x x
hi sara,wht size are you and wht are u expecting after the ba?
HIya i’m about a 34a/b ay mo, 2 different sizes, until tomorro!!! hahaha hopefully end up a d cup at the end x
I havent uploaded the pics onto my computer yet but when i get round to it ur more than welcome to look xx
Hi my friend had her ba done two years ago she says once her swelling had gone down she felt upset that they were too small an to wanted a further op . The size of your breast will change a few times apparently as they settle into your body x x
Hi Mads24,
I know what you mean about getting use to your new boobies and wanting bigger. I’ve had 2 BA’s …1st was a 32a and had 340cc unders (32c/32d after), 2nd BA had 700cc under now a 32f. Though I’m really pleased with them and should be grateful I’ve reached an F cup when originally being an A cup 10 years ago I now want bigger. Its funny really because implants seem to look different in my opinion to normal boobs (size wise). I always thought in my head that an F was massive but now I have reached this size I would like bigger and they really don’t look that big (just bigger in circumference not outwards ).I’m saving for my next BA but think I’m going to have to wait a few years for the 700ccs to stretch my breast tissue a bit as this was the maximum size that could be fitted in at the moment!!:cry::cry:
I am surprised you would want any bigger as 525’s would sound like you have gone very big! but then again my friend said exactly the same after she had her BA, about 2 weeks after she was like “oh god why didnt i go bigger” but 6 weeks down the line she is soo happy and couldn’t beleive she was thinking the way she was.
i hope you feel satisfied with the size you chose very soon.xxxx
yeh i had mine done 4 weeks ago, and i feel like that!! i keep thinking they look smallish! even though ive been measured a 32e or 34dd!! i wasnt allowed any bigger cos i had an uplift so there wasnt enough skin, so i had 340cc overs! what you wanna do, its take a look around you, for example when you have a night out, and you,ll reaslie how much bigger and more pert your boobs will look to others!
i havent shown mine off yet, but imdying to go out and wear a revealing top, and not have to wear a bra, and see all them girlies with saggy boobs ha ha! i swear you will notice it more then! its cos you prob been like me, constantly looking at them in the mirror, then seeing images in the star paper for example, of page 3 etc!! there is a page in the star today, showing you h cups sizes, and pics from a to e!! and it made me think mine were small! but ill have to stick to mine, as theres no way i could afford another. ha ha.
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