4WPO – beginning to hate them :( Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 69

    I’m 4 weeks post op today and up until now I’ve been positive about them evening out in time but each week they’re getting worse and I just can’t see them getting any better. I was never uneven before and i had the same size implant in each so I don’t understand how they are so different 🙁

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    Gemma 17

    Hey don’t really know the answers but from
    What I can work out from other girls if all takes a while to all settle down even up to a year. But in my opinion your looks fab xx

    Corrine 18

    Wait a little longer think mine were really different sizes till around 6-8weeks then they evened out. Then they just got softer and softer. I’m 6months now and love mine they look and feel so natural x x

    Tor Shields 78

    It looks like one just hasn’t fully dropped yet. If you didn’t have asymmetry before your operation I think they will both even out. It’s just having to be patient that’s so annoying because you just want to have the boobs you always dreamt of and not have to wait 6 months for them. They look great though and I’m sure no one else will even notice a difference in them x

    Becca 167

    It gets better I promise – I also went through a weird stage of hating mine at around the same point in my own recovery. I was picking fault with them, looking for any flaw, constantly convincing myself that something was wrong and trying to seek reassurance. But how they are at only 4 weeks is definitely not how they will stay long term, however trying to be patient and waiting for all the changes to happen while still keeping faith that they will improve is just the hardest thing. It will be worth it all I promise. 5 months from now you won’t even recognise them, they’ll be all healed and perfect and exactly what you wanted. Nobody prepares you at all for this emotional side of surgery do they! Just try to remember that they are two different surgeries though and so they will naturally change and heal at different rates – I’ve never known any girl have them both recover at exactly the same time so what you’re experiencing is fully normal. They’ll continue to change every day. One day you’ll just wake up and they’ll be the same and you’ll wonder what you were ever worried for. Just try not to dwell on it too much for now, I know it’s hard though.

    Sophie 69

    Thank you girls!! Forgot I wrote this so haven’t been on to check replies. I was definitely having a bad boob day that day! After speaking to a couple of surgeons I’m much less worried about them! Xx

    Becca 167

    So glad you’re feeling better and more reassured – it’s absolutely horrible isn’t it when you convince yourself that something is wrong and so you start to panic. I think we’ve all been there at some point. This journey is such an emotional rollercoaster!!!

    Billy 9

    Hi Sophie, how are things settling now? I’m only 3 weeks post op, but I’m starting to worry as I’m looking so uneven. I know it’s only early for me, but would love to know how your getting on x

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