5 days Post op qs Started by: AmyJ

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  • AmyJ

    Did anyone else stop taking anti biotics & painkillers? Making me feel so sick & rubbish
    How long did everyone sleep sat up? I’m going crazy with no sleep
    Worried I’m doing to much, bending picking toys up etc? Are we not meant to bend?
    How long did everyone ice their newbies for? xx


    Anyone xx


    i never took any painkillers i only took the odd ibrofen which when i did didnt even make a difference but i wasnt in that much pain! but i carried on taking my antibiotics cause its not worth risking getting an infection, i was only on them for 5 days taking 4 a day. i slept sat up for a good few weeks but i heard it only had to be 7-10 days, just do it untill you feel comfortable lying down. i wouldnt do to much now no its not worth straining anything, how long post op are you? and i never iced mine! x

    Kelly -1

    Hi I had 415 on 26th July so I’m 11 days post op. I only iced the first night & really didn’t need any pain killers. Took antibiotics for a week too. I had hubby at him for 9 days so tried to do as little as poss till after the week check & then slowly did more over the weekend & have been fully back to normal since Monday. I’ve got 18mth old twins so have to lift but trying to keep it to a minimum, doing bums on the floor & coming down stairs on bums. Do feel tired at the end of the day & a little achy in places but I think getting used to the new weight after the strapping coming off & just generally being back on my feet is what’s making me tired. If you have help I’d say take advantage :0) x


    6 days post op today & feel so rubbish. Literally been in bed all day, just feel so weak, tired & faint. Really thought I’d be feeling better by now just want to cry cuz of how rubbish I feel. Makes me worry I’ve got some form of infection or something feeling this yuk 🙁 7 day check Tomo dreading a 4 hour car journey there & back. Xx


    Hi Amy, I stopped taking my anti biotics and painkillers yesterday. Got my check up at bham tomorrow too! Iv felt a lot better today, went out to the shops with my mum but still very sore and bruised! I tried laying flat last night and got a much better sleep! x


    dont worry about anything everyone is different and reacts different and heels different! it is probably just your body not used to whats gone on! i felt really crappy for a good few days without and i felt so down and upset cause of it but it will pass! just mention it to your nurse but it wont be anything and wont be infection! just think of your new boobies and how better they are! and in a few weeks especially after your 6 week check you will see its all so worth it! x


    I felt rubbish for the first week, took my antibiotics and one lot of pains killers but not the stronger ones, it was more discomfort then pain. I too have a little one 2 years old, fortunately my hubby was home the first week to help out, hardest thing is getting the little one in and out of the car, hes walking though so everything else I can kind of avoid, albeit, the bending down getting toys etc is killing me too, not sure if its a big no no or not!! Just gotta rest when you can, an I have to say I have felt a massive difference from 8 days on wards, felt a lot more mobile, and started sleeping lying down (nurse said it was fine to do so if I felt comfortable).

    Hope you turn a corner soon, sure you will xx


    Thanks girls. Nurse said they are healing fine and scars are really neat, she thinks its just my body reacting to the op and ga. hopefully il feel better soon xxx

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