I just wanted to make a quick post to explain my journey so far, as I couldn’t seem to find anyone going through similar issues as me and it made me panic 24/7!
So I am now 5 days post op, I had 350cc under muscle high profile. I am 5ft 1 and only weigh around 7 stone so I am tiny haha! Day 1 and 2 was awful! I physically couldn’t walk, move, go to the toilet or anything. My partner even had to help me pull my trousers down to go to the toilet.
Day 3 was even worse, I just kept getting more pain and being able to do less and less.
But day 4 i managed to have a bath a very shallow one, and I gently took off my breast band and my bra and flannel washed my cleavage, armpits ect… I’m not going to lie it really isn’t easy, I havnt slept longer than 3 hours a night and I’m currently sleeping on the sofa as I just cannot cope with being in bed, I’m mentally and physically drained and 100% fed up! But day 5 (today!) I have been walking around, I can now go to the toilet by myself, I can get off of the sofa alone and I can lift light objects, I even made my self a drink earlier and fed the cat (it’s the small things in life) I am no longer taking any pain killers at all (my choice as they just made me to sicky and spaced out) and apart from the bloody breast band being so so so tight, the pain isn’t that bad at all! I still cannot lift my arms up, and I must admit I still stay in my pjs every day and just sit on the sofa most of the day. But honestly on day 2 and 3 I never thought I’d feel as good today as I do. I have my appointment with my nurse on Wednesday and I’m hoping she says I only need another week of my breast band as honestly it is so tight and makes you feel like you have a elephant sitting on your chest with the pressure. there is no point to this post except I just wanted to make people aware that it will get better and trust me you get a lot worse before you get better xx