5 days post surgery – Dr Fiumara Started by: Erin

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  • Erin

    Hey girls,
    I had my breast enlargement 5 days ago with Linda.
    I had 350 unders and was previously a very small 32A! I just wanted to ask any of you who also had this sort of change, whether your boobs looked like they had quite a big gap after sugery? And does this reduce once they drop etc. I’m just quite worried as they look kind of far apart but obviously I have strapping etc on top atm and so can’t see what they’ll look like properly until they drop.

    Also did you use pain killers after the 5 days? I keep getting shooting pains and strain on my shoulders /upper body so I feel like the 5 days of painkillers isn’t enough..

    And they say you can go back to work + drive after 2 weeks. Not sure that seems possible ATM as I can barely dress myself or reach for things. Any insight on this?



    Hi Hun, I had Dr Firmara on the 30th Jan! I had 325 mod plus unders and at the moment I do have a gap – but Iv never had cleavage anyway! I wouldn’t say it’s a massive gap, but once hey drop and fluff I am sure it will even out. At the minute they are high on my chest and quite square!!! It’s worrying me a little bit everyone is reassuring me that they will drop and take shape.
    Do you have strapping or a breast band? I didn’t think Linda used strapping. I just have a Macom and woke up with a breast band on.
    I’m 5/6 days post opp (it’s 00:43 so technically I will be 6days post op) and I would say the pain is defiantly a lot better. I had 7days of antibiotics and 5days pain meds, but I had to stop taking the cocodamol as it was making me projectile vomit so had to switch to paracetamol. Day 4 was by far the absolute worst for me! I was close to tears and my back in agony! The top of my back inbetween my shoulder blades was hell and I couldn’t settle and was so frustrated I wanted to cry. Woke up then yesterday (pod5) and felt very mobile, I managed to make my self breakfast and have a shallow bath, I even went out for a few hours with my mum, but felt like I over did it because I felt sore then. I came back and had a sleep and then felt ok again. I made my self some supper and watched TV. I felt a lot more comfortable. Certainly lifting my self up has become less heavy on my chest. Although I would say tonight is the worst night sleep Iv had as the top of my back is hurting again and I can’t for the life of me do anything about it :-(.
    Iv seen some girls on here really struggle with unders and some seem to be perfectly fine! My friend had 400cc unders in October and she had no pain what so ever!! We all heal differently Hun.
    Hope you feel a lot better soon. If you need anything I’m happy to try and answer some questions of my own experience xxx

    sabrina 92

    im day 2 spent the first day after the muscle cramps had stopped being sick, I can honestly say ive never experienced pain like it. Due to sickness had to stop all meds. If your uncomfy and sore take paracetamal .. we get given five days – but that doesnt mean you have to stop after five days. Keep on taking them as long as needed.. hope u feel better soon x

    sabrina 92

    AS to reaching for things and dressing yourself – ive got things that button up or zip up ready .. just put on my pj top by putting over the shoulders then one arm then the other. I find can use arms as long as not stretching high. nearly fell down stairs n moved arm and got a sharp pain .. that made my heart jump x Cant wait to take these stockings off now there so hot – my doc said the glue used to seal incisions on me is water proof but would need two to do bra back up and im scared .. so not gona try that for a while .. will shower down below if i can or just bed bath x

    sinead 18

    Hey Hun I’m 5 days post op today. I get a pulling sensation in my left boob, it feels like where my skin is really tight where the implant is, but it’s getting better as the days go on. Day 3 was the worst for me, my nipples are still completely numb and I have my strapping off tomorrow so I’m hoping that helps with the pulling feeling. I had 400cc hp unders and the pain was worse than I thought it was going to be. Some girls seemed to have amazing recoveries, thought I was going to be the same so I wasn’t prepared! xx

    Carly 8

    I had Linda for my surgery also, during my surgeon consultation she advised me that if I had a natural gap between my breast pre op then the gap would remain the same, during the first few weeks of recovery the gap was quite closed due to swelling, I’m now 12wpo & the gap has now settled back to how it was orignally, possibly a little closer than pre op, I had mod plus implants which I’m guessing Linda used due to my natural gap & the fact that they are slightly wider, add me for pics if you’d like to see 🙂


    Thank you all!
    I’m now 2 weeks post op and today I have been getting the worst pain in my left breast! It feels really tight but not sure why I keep getting the shooting pains as I have been resting quite a bit (started work today so maybe the driving has been putting pressure ?!)

    Lorna – Linda’s told me to wear this macom Velcro strap thing for atleast 4 weeks post op – are you wearing one too and how tight are you keeping it?

    Thanks xx

    Lou 101

    I had 375 HP (originally I was having 350 mod+) with Dr Fiumara last Monday. Also wearing a breast band as well (arggghhhhh) I tend to get boob cramp, but really only in my right boob – it’s a killer!!!
    Day 4 was my worst day. It was horrible – so painful.

    I have my first post op visit today with the nurse.

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    I had wide set boobs pre op so I was always going to end up with a gap, even with mod plus, but I actually had HP. I was surprised at how long it took for my gap to decrease but I’m glad it has. I’ll attach a comparison picture so you can see how they’ve changed up to 10WPO (now 14WPO).

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    Thanks for sharing your pictures! Can see how much the gap has reduced which is good! Hoping mine reduces as much xx


    Also I’ve been wearing my Macom bra for two weeks now can I start wearing a normal sports bra yet? Or does it have to be something which fastens at the front x

    sabrina 92

    I had my first post op last friday day 7 and the nurse told me to wear macom to bed and sports bra in the day or for a change .. I think all seem to say differet things, but this is what I have been doing (ms high impact sprts bra) to be honest it doesnt feel much different to the macom x I dont think front or back fastening makes much diff, but i did have or try an other the head one today .. n took off and flippin killed my arms gettin over the head as was tight x- I had 350 dual plane too and today my right boob been sort of tingly sore sort of down the side x


    Oh ok thanks I’ll try other sports bras then and see how I get on. I’m 2 weeeks post op and my boobs look smaller than last week I assume cos the swelling has gone down 🙁

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