Im taking arnica to help bruising, brought some bio oil for boobs (not scars until 6weeks I know) any other advice. Read about bromlaide for swelling? Has anyone taken this?
Any advice please
Also read dermatix strips after 6 week check? Are they needed x
Hi honey! Bet you are SO excited. I’m three months post op now. I would say definitely have the bio oil ready because it’s never too early to be rubbing that into the top of your boobs to help avoid stretch marks (also cocoa butter is good for during the day as it’s not as greasy ) Dermatix strips are really good. Look on eBay as you can get them quite cheap and they help with the fading of scars. Don’t just put on them on at 6 weeks though – wait til your 6 week check (I had mine at 7 weeks so didn’t start using them til after I was advised by my surgeon) – the reason being is that everyone heals at different rates. In my first few weeks my healing process was SO slow then I eventually picked up the pace about week 6. So just be really careful! Enjoy your boobie day and don’t be nervous cause it’s really not sore and it’s the best day EVER!! Best of luck <3 xxxxxxxxx
Instant ice packs and senekot are a must!! Oh and the more water u drink after the quicker u get rid of he bloody stone of surgery water from your body :).. Goodluck it’s just amazing day it felt like emotionally how I did after childbirth lol crying fat craving certain foods no sleep BUT hopefully these boobs come out better than baby boobs haha
Practise sleepin upright a week before I did it helped not as bad now !xx
Wow, I’m impressed, my advance planning has involved buying sports bras, and err umm that’s it I just though I’d leave my body to sort out everything else itself
I’m having mine next Friday.
Hi, i’m 40 hours post op. Best things i can suggest are:
– ultra chloraseptic throat spray(about £6 from any pharmacy) so your throat does not hurt from the oxygen tube.
– An over sized shape wear onsies! This thing has been a life saver. I got a medium because i’m a small, it’s really soft and looks like exercise shorts and a vest top in one. I nabbed mine in T.K Maxx the night before the surgery for a fiver. It has an easy open crotch which is vital since you wont be able to move your arms to pull it down, but it offers just enough support on your new boobs, but wont make your incisions sore at all. I also shove my ice packs in there, haha ::)
– Comfy slippers with a hard sole. I was in no shape to wear shoes when i came out of surgery, plus my feet are a little swollen(alone with everything else due to post-op water retention)
Other than that, i’d advise looking at the boobie bible on the front page of the forum and talking 1 on 1 with a few girls in here since that is where i got most all of my tips and tricks from
I’m having it Friday too at highgate, didn’t think of ice packs/ now ordered lol
I have a 5yr old and 9month old don’t know how I’ll cope! X
I had my pre op on Thursday and my nurse told me not to take Arnica xx
Hi butterflyboo I go in on the 27th I have a 5year old and a 10month old so I’m inthe same boat! Do you have someone to help you at first? X
Take vit c with zinc vitamin to help ur bodys ammune system, v pillow, boots hot/cold ice pack to rest on ya boobs, hot water bottle u can put on ya back and bum when its numb from sleeping up, dry shampoo baby wipes, femmi wipes, defo bio oil I use to rub it down my cleevage from day 1 cos it felt stretched an like rubber! I got told NOT to use arnica crean cos it thins ya blood. Jamas and slippers. Remember every1 heals different iv seen some girls compleatly fine and doing normal things day after xx good luck xx
When buying your post surgery bras, remember to get at least one band size up from what you normally wear, for the swelling.
For hospital take mags, books, kindle, laptop and charger, phone charger, snacky foods for when you wake, cordial (if like me you don’t like plain water), throat sweets, easy on clothing, your own dressing gown and slippers (it’s good having home comforts)
At home, get things down from high cupboard you need, v-pillow, cleaning wipes, people to come look after you and children, a chauffeur (it’s no driving for at least seven days, depending on your insurance too), someone to care for animals
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