5 weeks on.. Really unhappy! :-( Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    just on for a bit of a moan really! so, sorry haha! So im 5 weeks post op now, and im just so unhappy with my boobs! Sometimes I don’t even want to look at them because they’re so small and disappointing! I feel like iv just wasted so much money to go from no boobs to small boobs.. I have such a big gap in between them aswell.. I know there will always be a gap but I was told it wasn’t that big and id still be able to push them together… I cant 🙁 Im away on holiday in a few weeks and bikini shopping is just as bad as it was before. So disappointing. I thought by now maybe I’d have realized I was just being impatient and they’d be starting to ‘fluff’ but if anything they’re just the same or getting smaller especially now they swelling has gone. 🙁 If iv got any advice for pre-op people… research so much and take pics to your consultations and ask loads of questions! I didn’t end up with what I asked for and im so so gutted. xx Sorry for the moan!!!


    Awww hun this is so upsetting to read 🙁 what size did you have? Have you spoke to your pc about it!im worried mine will be too big but then I dont want to be disappointed too. Its hard isn’t it xx


    Just looked at your pics hun I think theu look really good.. they look really natural. Did you think theu would be much bigger. X


    What size was you before the op? Maybe you just need give them time sort the shape xx


    Oh no!! Have you tried putting on a normal bra to see what they look like then? I hope you do manage to feel better about them soon xxx


    Aw thanks Claire. They do look natural just a lot more natural than I wanted, I wanted to look a big D.. at the moment I seem to be fitting into 32C bra’s..so don’t even measure a D 🙁 Maybe I had unrealistic expectations but I have seen so many pics of girls with less cc and much bigger boobs. Its so confusing and disheartening.. thought id get loads of confidence from it but feel like im still hiding them away coz I don’t like them! argh haha. What are you having hun? when is your op? xx

    Smirthr I was a 32a before. Maybe but I thought by 5/6 weeks id be ok.. im trying to bikini shop and its not easy haha.

    I have Jen yeah and it doesn’t really help, I think theyre still quite firm, but I can only sort of get the look I want in a 32C, D’s just seem to hide them away 🙁 xxx


    Awe bless chick, I’m dreading if I regret them. I’m a 34a at the moment and still don’t know what size to go for but think maybe I should go for the 400 or 450 so I know there will be some difference. There’s still some time for them to change yet lovely, I know that’s no help though. Xxx


    I don’t really regret it I just wish I had maybe made it a bit clearer what I wanted. I wanted to go bigger but I couldn’t make a second consultation because I live so far away.. so I think that’s annoying that ive known all along that 375 wasn’t what I wanted. I also wish partials had been discussed with me 🙁 Expensive trial and error haha! I know, I hope they do. When are you having yours done? I loved the whole thing id do it again tomorrow haha. What size are you hoping to end up? xxx

    tara beach 2

    Hi mel my friend had pArtials same size.she said hers went bigger and closer together at about 3 months.partials definetly take longer to drop and shape etc.hope thus helps xx


    Hey hun, aw did she? I had unders.. i wish i had asked about partials though. Seems they both take longer to settle. argh haha! xx


    Yeah its still early days hun so they might drop more. My surgery is next Wednesday with mr traynor and im having 450 or 500 im not sure which yet. It is confusing because the same cc can look so different on people. Argh its annoying because I suppose you have a lic in your head how they will look do if not then you are disappointed. I hope you get to love them because that is such a shame you feel like that. But in my opinion they look fab xx 🙂

    tara beach 2

    Sorry Hun I got that wrong.she had unders. Hers define look bigger now.claire are you having partials or overs xx


    Hi Mel do you mind if i add you please? Been feeling exactly the same these past couple of days i had 400cc overs. I just wish I’d gone with my first option of 500cc but like you said expensive trail and error. xx


    Hmm yeah maybe! Ah how exciting! are you nervous? I would say just go with the biggest.. depending on what sort of look you want of course 🙂 I had him aswell and my incisons look great, and my recovery was so good! Hope yours al goes well hun and your happy with them 🙂 I hope so too coz at the minute it feels like a big waste of money haha.. but thank you! 🙂 xx


    Hiya Danielle, no not at all add away! Aw chick rubbish feeling isn’t it? So expensive haha.. definitely don’t have that kinda money to be playing about with! xx


    Im sure you will hun. Im having overs Tara what did you have didnt you go for 450 instead? I just dont kknw I dont want to look massive and defo not fake i just want them to suit my size xx

    tara beach 2

    I had 450 instead love asked dr Singh on day and told him I didn’t wanna look fat or top heavy lol,have a look at my pics had strapping off today.they gotta drop and settle now tho.right now you could park a bus in my cleavage lol but I know they change so much in the coming weeks xx

    JJ 1

    Hun I think where u was so small before ur skin hasn’t stretched yet sortof giving it a tight effect which might be holding back the size and shape of the implant. Give it some more time. The less stretchy your skin the longer it takes for them to drop x

    Trace 158

    I think from what I’ve read from other ladies that unders take longer to settle down? Mind if I add you hun? x

    Katie 3

    Hope you don’t mind the add. I’m having 290cc next Wednesday. It sounds like such a small implant compared to what other girls have. I’m worried about being disappointed if they are too small.. But also would be disappointed if I went large and got rippling and if they looked really fake.. You can’t win! I’m sure you’ll love yours in a couple more months. What profile did you have? Im having extra high xxx


    Hi Jj, yeah someone else did say that to me as well actually! I think they’ve dropped quite a lot I just can’t picture them getting any bigger now. They do still feel quite firm though. Xx

    Iv added you girls. Your right Katie sometimes it feels like you can’t win haha! I had 375 high profile, I’d actually never heard of extra high until after is had mine done, seen some nice results with them though. Xxx

    JJ 1

    Hun your at the begginjng of ur boob journey they will get much better I could move mine about and they wernt firm when I was at ur stage coz my skin is more stretchy u will be fine x


    Aw really? Mine are getting softer but still feel quite firm.. I think.. Never having had boobs before I’m not really sure and I don’t know anyone who’s had theirs done either haha! Thanks Hun 🙂 x

    JJ 1

    U will be fine Hun give it time promise x


    Hey huni how u doing I’m 2 years post op in jan with full uplift and 385/cc and 415cc n the other breast now il be on my 3rd re op in nov anyway with implants. Everyone is different you can’t put your self up against girls when it comes to implants as everyone’s. Out come isn’t the same having unders they look smaller than wot they mesuer out at once the swelling has gone down it’s sets you up for a big fall and the bobbie greed kicks inn I lost loads of nights of sleep being upset and unhappy with my out come then things went wrong for me had revision sugary and had 450cc in my left breast and more of uplift on right 6months ago and now I’m having 3rd op in nov it can take a year for unders to settle down don’t stress to much about it x

    Kirsty 2

    You will of had partials Mel.. I saw my surgeon last night as he said I was having unders but unders is partials he told me there’s no such thing as full unders! Sorry to here u aren’t happy with them 🙁 it’s so scary chiding ur size.. Maybe the surgeon could only get ur size implant in with u not having much tissue before hand? Hopefully they’ll drop and fluff abit more for u!! Xx

    Kirsty 2

    Choosing even*


    Hey Mel, I think your boobs look fab! I had my surgery yesterday. Was a really small 32a and have had 275cc. I just wanted a more full shape. Hoping to be a C cup. I think unders do take quite a lot longer to drop and settle. Mr Traynor did say to me that my gap would remain the same though and I do have the same concerns about getting the cleavage I wanted. You do look fab though. Try not to be too disheartened xx


    Thanks girls I do appreciate all the nice comments about them :). I just think now iv made up my mind that they’re not big enough and not the size I wanted to look… maybe they’ll magically grow over the next few months haha. Yeah D he did say that to me too, it just annoys me a bit that he said it wasn’t big but it feels it to me and so far haven’t managed to find any bra that will give me cleavage. Thanks chick xx

    Becky 2

    Just looked at your post ah no Hun really?? Surely they still have time to change yet? I think even after 6 weeks they change looking at some of the posts on here? I’m nearly 3 weeks post op now and I’m hoping when mine settle I get a good size? I have sent you a friend request hope you don’t mind? Xx


    Hey Hun, yeah feel quite dissapointed with the size of them, and because they’re so far apart it’s just like they’re at the side of my body if that makes sense haha! I think they can keep changing for up to a year!! It’s just hard when I keep Ewing girls who have had the same or less and have much bigger results! Aw your still early on too, what size did you go for? Yeah no probs Hun I just accepted 🙂 xx

    Becky 2

    I was told no bigger than a 350cc and was a 34B before. I had high profile unders, I know what you mean though but just had a look and yours look fab

    Kim❤ 2

    Hey Mel 🙂 i think you got your measurements wrong cause i was flatter than you and had 325 and i tried to put them in a 32D bra today at the shop they didnt even fit lol I was with a friend shopping for her im only nearly 3 weeks po so they will change so i didnt bother getting measured i was just curious lol they might still change i saw pics of girls that after one year it still was changing a lot so wait a bit more hun! and for the cleavage that you want maybe try on different style of bras and see which gives you the best!

    Becky 1

    Hey Mel! I haven’t had mine done yet but I asked Mr Traynor about unders and asked when they would start to drop and feel softer and he said at least 2-3 months so it really is early days 🙂 I’m sure you’ll get to love them over time…. if you research breast implants 1 year post op a few people have posted pics of 1 day post op then a few months post op and then 1 year post op and they look completely different on each pic 🙂 only on the 1 year post op pics do you really see that they look softer and closer together 🙂 hope you don’t mind the add either 🙂 xxxx

    Becky 1

    Mel just looked at your pics – honestly not just saying this I think they look amazing!! This is the same result I’d like to Acheive but for my frame which is bigger than yours. You would look top heavy if you went too big you can still tell you are slim but with good boobs 🙂 sometimes big boobs can make you look bigger all over so don’t stress they’re lovely for your frame xxx


    Hey Kim, how do you mean got my measurements wrong? :/ I haven’t been properly measured so im just guessing myself on what feels comfy so far.. I definitely wont be bigger than a D though. x

    Hey Becky! aw really, I didn’t even think to ask when I saw him haha.. I feel I know so much more now than when I went, and didn’t have a huge amount explained tho me :/ Yeah I have seen pictures of how some have changed quite a lot.. I can imagine I wont be so lucky haha. Thank you though that’s really nice :), I know what you mean about looking top heavy as I am quite small (in height) but I just wish It had been even one size bigger just to balance out the love handles haha!! xxx

    Kim❤ 2

    Thats what i meant hun that you guessed it and put yourself in a C youll probably be a D or bigger if they change which i think they will 🙂 but i know what you mean about researching sizes properly before; atm i got exactly what i asked for and im happy with it but its only once theyre in that i now realise i could have asked for a full D instead of a big C. Im still very happy as i had nothing before! Lol but i realised you asked to be a d/dd and most girls that ive seen 32a like us who wanted these had anything starting from 400 to 450s. Did you try speak with your surgeon? Cause on your side you didnt get what you asked whereas i got it but just realised that i could have bigger so it was my mistake lol


    Ahh ok im with you now haha, yeah I am just guessing just now, I don’t really have a clue what ill be but I doubt any bigger than a D. Aw that’s good, glad your happy with them! Yeah I know what you mean about realizing after.. its annoying I wish there was a way you could see them inside first haha! Yeah that’s what bothers me, so many people who are the same or flatter have been offered bigger sizes 🙁 I had asked to go up to 400 but I live really far away so I couldn’t make another consultation before my surgery date, and couldn’t postpone that as everyone had time of work booked and I had to make sure it was long enough before I fly..coz its long haul.. somany things!!! haha. I have an appointment on Monday with him so going to tell him then how I feel.. probs not much he can say as I guess its early but at least ill have said it. x sorry that was a story haha!!


    Hey, hope you dont mind the add. I feel exactly same way. I was a small 30/32b. I asked for a full C, surgeon suggested me to go with a small D. So I agreed on a 325cc high profile. Before the surgery somehow I was thinking that it will look too big for my body frame haha but after I got the stipping off i felt kinda dissapointed. They dont look as big as I want them too. Feel like I have wasted my money too, especially that i will be paying for the next 4 years :/ gutted! They do look better than before, but i wish I would of gone with more cc’s.


    Argh this is my current dilemma, surgeon has picked 325 unders but I fear they will still look too ‘natural’ and that if I’m going through it I’d still like to get a false boob effect. I’m back to see the surgeon on Tuesday and have got some boob pictures to take with me so I can show the look I’d like. I hope yours still settle more for you xx


    It’s so hard the number off cc in implants sound big but there not they say any size of implant is big over 450cc it’s bad when you saved up so hard or takin out loans to pay for it to not be happy about it all can say if you that have your op already give them a year to settle down if not maybe there will be filp side and you may need revision surgery where u get the chance to change your implant size like me but for you girls that’s not had your ops yet push for bigger implants I think this mya forum is fab and really helpfull but then you get to see other girls and the bobbie greed kicks inn x

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