5 weeks PO left boob wonky at the bottom.. Anyone else? Started by: Lorna

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  • Lorna 57

    Hi girls, I’m 5 wpo on Friday and my right boob is perfectly round and has dropped etc but my left one has dropped at the top but looks weird on the bottom? It kind of goes into a slant and looks wonky? I know they change so much over time etc but just wondering if anyone else had this at this stage? I feel pretty much normal now even my morning boob has pretty much gone but my left one has been aching this week and now noticed this weird shape? It also has a purplish pink mark on the slanted bit that I’ve only noticed now my bruising has nearly gone.
    I had 300cc partials. So the tops of the implants are under the muscle and the bottom of the implants are over the muscle so I thought the bottom would look rounder at this point with it being over? The right one is round just not the left. (opposite way round on the pics!)
    Any advice is appreciated! X

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    Katie 206

    I’m the same Hun, I’m 5wpo with 300/350cc partials and my right boob is smaller and more flat at the bottom. I was told it’s early days by the nurse and give it until at least 3 Months post op to even out! Xx

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    It’s probably your muscle just taking a bit longer to let the implant drop fully than the other side, maybe try some massages to help it drop. Wouldn’t worry until 3 month mark girly and if it still hasn’t resolved itself by then maybe then have another check with the nurse or dr best of luck they look good xxx

    Sophie 21

    Are you left handed hun? Because my right one is doing a similar thing in the edge not as round.. I think because I’m right handed the Muscle around it is taking longer to drop in to the pocket.. I don’t realise how much the muscles around them effect even having overs. Be patient and mayb it’s uou cant don’t look at them too much for next couple of weeks and sure you’ll see a change xx

    Levi 9

    I was the same Hun 3 weeks post op , I’m not 6 weeks and there fine it just takes a little time for your body to get used to them x

    Levi 9


    Lorna 57

    @katielousie2315 thank you glad I’m not the only one! They got back to me and said it looks fine just to wait for it to even out. It’s just with that weird purple mark in the same place I thought it was weird? Hopefully it fades. Yours look fab! Xx

    Lorna 57

    @paigej96 thank you was thinking it could be that, they’re still firm though so haven’t been massaging much I’m gonna try massaging them more hopefully it helps! Xx

    Lorna 57

    @sms1992 no hun I’m right handed. I hardly do anything with my left so it’s weird that it’s this one playing up? Did you have overs? Yeah think I’ll leave them now until next week when I’m 6 weeks and hopefully it’s made a drastic recovery haha! I only look at them once a day when I’m changing my bra but that’s it been trying not to obsess over them lol! Xx

    Lorna 57

    @levixx thanks hun just I’m 6 weeks next week so wondering if it’s suddenly gonna look normal in a weeks time haha! Hopefully it will have improved loads by then xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun it’s toally normal until they settle funny even at 6 weeks they might not be settled and all healed Hun take a while xxx

    Sophie 21

    Yeah I had overs hun. I’m only 4 weeks post op.. so completely know how you feel.. I’m sure that by 2-3 months they will be settled xx


    @ljx6 No worries:) It’s a waiting game but yeah definitely try massaging them maybe twice a day and see if that helps in the next week or so xx

    Flo 19

    I’m the same and I’m nearly 9 weeks post op! It’s my left too and I’m right handed so not sure why leftie is taking so long to settle. I try not to study them too much and trying to be patient, hard though isn’t it xxx

    Lorna 57

    Thank you girls! Just need to wait it out I suppose. I pulled the muscle in the left one at 2 days PO as well so think that’s why I’m more concerned about it in case I did some damage. Might be why it’s taking longer to settle? @paigej96 my aftercare sheet said to massage everyday as well but haven’t tried it much yet because of the firmness but I’m gonna start and see if it makes a difference! 🙂 xx

    Lorna 57

    @flo-xxx so strange isn’t it! Just want it to be the same as the right so I can stop worrying. My left has been the problem boob all the way through its so hard to be patient isn’t it. I think the times flown tbh I’m hoping by the time I see the surgeon at 8 weeks they’ll be normal xxx

    Stephanie 137

    Hey hun,
    I was the same also, it was my right one & I’m right handed. Even at 12 weeks my right was still sitting slightly higher. Mine is only just starting to even out more now. (Just over 4 months post op now). I’ve been massaging my right one a lot lately. Xx

    Lorna 57

    @stephcp thank you! Gonna try massaging and see if it helps. When did yours start to go soft? Mine are still really firm and just ‘there’ if that makes sense! Xx

    Stephanie 137

    Hi hun, Sorry for late reply, I’d say mine started to begin to get softer around the 10-12 week mark. They’ve gradually got softer since then. They still aren’t totally soft and squishy at this point lol but again that part will happen gradually over the 3-12 months. Hope your recovery is going good 🙂 xx

    Steph 6

    I’m so so glad to have read this !! Mines exactly the same , I’m 14 days post op and my left boob is a funny shape and I write with that hand. The left is really nice and starting to drop already ! It’s so reassuring to see this !! Any tips on how to massage please ! Xx


    Hiya, glad I’m not the only one feeling like this. I’m 4 weeks post op and I feel like my left breast is more flatter and has more skin at the bottom that my right.
    I’ve messaged my surgeon and he said I’m really early stages and to be patient. Easier said than done when you’ve waited so long for something I think you just expect them to be perfect. I had 325cc implants under the muscle. Not the best of picture but I’m keeping positive.


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    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Gee.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Gee.

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