Had my breasts done 14th of December and love them! Had dr sliether I had 500cc was going in thinking i needed an uplift after 3 kids turns out I didn’t! Great surgeon experience was amazing would do it all again tomorrow! Recovery is going well
There looking great. What size were you before?
Well I used like primark bras but in them I was wearing a 34 d but they had lots of padding in
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I am having 500cc hopefully in January! They look so good!
how old was your youngest when you had 1st consultation? do u have any before pics pls? can i also ask how much u paid? thanku xx
Your before looks like mine. Im 34 weeks pregnant with baby 4 atm but once milk has gone (no bfeeding) they will look totally deflated. Are you pleased with them, they look good. Im fully saved now but im seeing some horror stories on here and its playing on my mind a bit. Where did u have the op done? xx
He I’m really happy with them can’t wait to not have to wear this bra though lol, I had the op done at Fitzroy hospital in London so straight forward and looked after really well x
they look amazing stacey. I have my op on the 31st pf this month with Dr slaiter. im going 400CC overs xx
You’ve got a reason to be proud of Stacey ☺️
Are you excited Clare or not feeling it yet?
Monica….Im really not too sure to be honest. im counting down the days but it stills seems so far away and a little bit unreal. I have started making some lists of what i need to pack for my bag, and thinking about when i cook dinners this week to do double so they can be frozen so my husband can just take them out, lol. i think i have too much on my mind about preparing before to get excited lol. xx
I think you really want it but just thinking too much about everything and stressing out. It’s only 10 days left, how cool is that ? you’ll be absolutely fine. Once you have everything prepared, it’ll hit you that this is it! I’m eventually going for it ?
I didn’t think about cooking before, decided to leave it on my partners shoulders and we all ended up with pizza and fries haha. After all it wasn’t too bad tbh xx
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