500cc HP unders? Started by: adelejones

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  • adelejones 30

    Hello ladies!
    I’m booked in with Mr Netri in 2 weeks, he gave me the option of 400, 450 and 500cc HP round unders. I think I’ve decided to go with 500cc as when you go under you tend to lose around 50cc. Has anyone else had 500cc? I’m dyingggg to see some pictures, I know everybody is different but I’d love to get a rough idea of what 500cc will look like. Please help me out girls 🙂 xx

    Stacey 30

    Hi Adele Iv sent u a friend request I can send u a pic I have 515cc under anatomical I was a 34c/36b before 5 ft8/9 size 10/12 x

    adelejones 30

    @staceyhunt88 thanks sweet I’ll accept you now 🙂 x

    Cherrelle 23

    Hi Hun I have 500cc Hp Unders mya.200218 on Instagram for pictures x

    adelejones 30

    @cherrelle thanks, I’ve just added you 🙂 what were you to start with if you don’t mind me asking? Xx


    @adelejones Hi Adele , I’ve got my op two weeks on Friday , I have the same option as you ! I’m 100% going for the 500 cc hp. I wanted 550 but dr netri said no. What’s your bra size now? Also what size are you in clothes , just wondering if we had same stats ? X

    adelejones 30

    @lydiiajg93 Yeah I’m really hoping to go with 500cc! 🙂 So excited now! 11 days to go for me!!
    I’m a 34D/DD now (BA 9 years ago with Mr Traynor) but had teardrop last time.
    I’m around 5ft6, 9 stone ish and size 10 in clothes xx


    @adelejones ah really so you’ve got big boobs already ! What size cc are you now ? Ive got 320 cc uhp in now but want them bigger . I’m 5’4 8.7 stone size 8 clothes xx

    adelejones 30

    @lydiiajg93 Nope I don’t have big boobs already! Lol My boobs are weird.. as in they measure a D but actually look tiny! I’ve never really been happy, when I wear bikinis etc I still look flat chested.. they just seem to disappear! Which is why I want a re-aug and am going for a different shape.
    I don’t remember what cc I went for, I was an AA before my initial op, MYA’s head office are trying to find out for me as Mr Netri says he needs this info! I just hope they find it in time.. time is running out! Fingers crossed xx

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