525CC, 2 weeks Po. My Surgery Story! Started by: glamourgirl

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    Hey everyone, Im 2 weeks post op, I had my first meet since surgery with my nurse the other day. I still cant have a shower! because the incision on my left boob is still open at the end. So iv had to have it re bandaged, my right boob is doing great though, its dropped and looked high/round exactly how I wanted them! so its just a waiting game with lefty who still hasn’t dropped and is making the pair look very odd, but its only been 2 weeks so anything could happen 😀 On the day of surgery my admission time got changed from 7;30am to 9;30am so I arrived at the hospital very nervous and excited, got checked in, had my blood taken, got changed.. was very happy I was aloud to wear my cotton undeys under the paper knickers 😀 I Then had a LONG wait!! at 4 oclock when I was getting really fed up as I hadnt eaten or drank anything since 10pm the night before, I just wanted food! I was finally given a glass of water and was told to sip it, My surgeon then came in to my room, he was brilliant! By this point I wasn’t nervous at all, just wanted to have the surgery! He said to me “If I cant fit 525cc, ill give you 490cc and no less” I then said to him “seriously if I wake up and youv given me 525cc ill be over the moon” He then laughed and said “your wish is my command” and wrote 525cc on my chest! I was so happy! then he told me my surgery would be in about half hour and apologised for the long wait but explained how he was doing 4 hours of lipo suction on a woman before me! at about 4:45pm the nurse came in and told me I was going up!!! I was like WOOOOOO come on lets go!!! yayayayay lol, she took me up a lift to a small room where they put me to sleep. I had to lay down on a bed and the guy putting the stuff into my hand to put me to sleep said “your very dehydrated” I said No bloody wonder!! as the stuff was going into my hand went in, it felt warm in my arm.. then my throat, then I felt dizzy (its a strange nice feeling) Thennnn BAM. I was asleep in seconds, I woke up to someone saying “Kelly” Opened my eyes and the nurse, anaesthesia guy and surgeon where around me. First thing I said was “wow I dont feel any pain at all!” then I looked at my surgeon and said “what size!?” he then told me He had preformed a miracle and done 525!! I was so so happy, he told me it went “like a dream”. I felt brilliant! It took me under 2 minutes to come round after the surgery! they took me back to my room, where I had some food, went to the loo and then booked a taxi back to my hotel, I felt great! I was worried about taking my tablets aswell in case they made me “Drugged up” but they had no affect of the sort on me. The whole experience has been enjoyable, I wouldn’t class the heeling as “painful” at all! its just achy. Loved every seconds of it, the staff and nurses at Fitzroy hospital where amazing, I was so lucky to get a brilliant anaesthesia guy and Mr Singh literally preformed a miracle! Any questions just ask! Iv just put pictures up so feel free to add me if you want to have a nose, I had 525CC Over the muscle, Xtra high profile. I went from an A x


    Omgoodnes, what a brilliant story to read! I really hope mine goes as well on Tuesday. I am an a cup and will have either 520cc, 580cc or 600cc. So pleased for you 😀 xx please can i add you x


    Me Singh sounds amazing! Hope it’s ok to add x


    Ahhh lovely story. One thing…did they let you leave by yourself? x


    Apart from the delay what a great experience! I’m glad you got the size you wanted! Oohhhh I’m all excited for mine now on Friday! Had a look at your piccies n they look FAB! I hope mine look just as good? Hope your left boob heals quickly! Two weeks without a shower will kill me! xx

    Kate 26

    Absolutely loved reading ur story so happy for u Hun, not being able to shower must be doing ur head in it would mine but u suppose its worth it 🙂 do u mind if I add u I’m hoping to have 525 overs tsf if they will fit xxx


    Ahh congrats Hun I’m hopefully having 525s can j add you please x

    Cascada 1

    Ah sounds like you had such a great experience! You must be so happy! Congrats! 🙂 x


    Thankyou Girl! yes add me thats fine xx Karrin – I didnt leave by myself, I had to travel to london for the surgery though, so I stayed in a hotel near the hospital for a few days and took someone with me x 2 weeks without shower is driving me crazy!! im getting my left incision checked tomorrow and if its closed I can shower! woo 😀 Kate – Im sure 525 will fit! its a miracle the surgeon fitted them in for me! just plead your surgeon when you see him before surgery lol xx

    Kate 26

    Thank u Hun ill add now .fongers crossed for u for tomorrow,the shower is going to be the best uv ever had 🙂 me traynor did say u don’t have to have the biggest but hell fit in the biggest he can 😉 xxx


    Oh damn. I really want to leave by myself but I don’t thin there is anyone who has left by themselves, no matter how much I read all the different stories. Glad you’re all doe now, they look fab! x

    Angie 2

    Hi congrats can i add you new to this and have my consulation on weds n hoping to get them done in may i cant wait to go through izes etc


    Congrats on your 525’s, I bet they look great !! Hope your recovery is going well.
    I am booked in with Dr Singh at the Highgate in under 3 weeks 🙂
    What did you think to Dr Singh?
    I take it you are pleased with your results so far.

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