5”7, 12st 11, 34/36Bish/AA- anyone similar? Started by: Assymetric

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  • Assymetric 50

    Hi ladies. I’m booked in for 1 April (I know, I know ?) for my op but have a second consultation on 27 Feb where the surgeon has asked me to go with a number!

    I’ve done a rice test of 275/300 which looked fine I guess, but this seems small for my frame (I’m going to be losing weight before my op but will still be around 12st I expect as I don’t really want to lose too much). I don’t want to go tooooo big and I want to stay as natural looking as possible, I just want to be in proportion basically! So I’m just wondering if there is anyone with similar stats and what size you went for?

    Becca 168

    My stats are fairly similar – I’m 5’9”, 9 stone 7 and a 34B post surgery but was previously 13 stone 1 and a 36C before losing weight last year. My post surgery measurements were 34” chest (8-10), 26” waist (8) and 37” hips (10). I had 430cc ultra high profile implants as it was the biggest that my surgeon could fit. My goal was also to be in proportion, although I still would have gone bigger if I could have! I’m 17 days post op now and so I haven’t been measured yet but what I’ve got is a great improvement already! My best advice would be to try on as many different sizes as you can at your next appointment and get a real feel for how they look on your frame. It’s all very personal and depends entirely on what kind of outcome you want to achieve and how comfortable you feel.

    Jamie 55

    I’m 5,7 and around 11stone, although I’m having my redone due to a complication the size I had is very in proportion and could of probably gone bigger if I’m honest as in clothes they aren’t even noticeable, I had 380 from a 34a I now measure a 32e but they don’t look like that size at all, def try on more sizes as you don’t want to regret being too small x

    Assymetric 50

    Thanks for the replies ladies. I think I need to try on more sizes when I go for my appointment.

    I’m having Mentor implants so don’t think the come in HP etc, from the information I’ve been given anyway!

    Sorry to hear you’ve had complications Jamie, can I ask what kind of complications you’ve had?

    Ruth 116

    Hiya Assymetric, I had any op on Wednesday I have mentor implants high profile.
    I’m 5ft 6 and 10.10lb, but felt so out of proportion and as though I had no boobs I was a very empty 34b. I am hoping once they’ve settled I’ll be a D just a waiting game now can’t wait to see the end result once theyve settled. It’s so difficult choosing sizes etc, my surgeon was amazing told me straight away which shape/size would suit my frame without looking fake. Good luck with your op and choosing sizes xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Ruth 116.
    Becca 168

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    I had ultra high profile Mentor implants – in all honesty I’m not really sure how much of a difference it makes, but I just wanted them to project as much as possible.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Becca 168.
    Assymetric 50

    Thanks Becca! I’ve just realised it’s not Mentor I’m having, it’s Motiva ?

    Sbowdell 15

    Im 5”7 12 stone and a 34b and I’m booked to have 470cc uhp in feb. At consultation I felt that they might b ever so slightly too big but when I’ve read up they end up being slightly smaller one they have settled. Plus if I’m spending all that money I want to be able to tell the difference!!!

    Becca 168

    I think 470cc sounds great for your height and weight. I would have loved to have been able to go a little bit bigger myself but my surgeon said that the width and height of my natural breast wouldn’t accommodate anything larger than 430cc. Look forward to seeing your updates in February! I don’t see many posts from other girls who had ultra high profile and especially not those with such similar size implants and such similar stats so it would be interesting to compare our results!

    Sbowdell 15

    I’m going for my pre op soon so I will be able to try them on again and make sure I’m happy with the size. I just felt I’m quite tall and I’m bottom heavy, 470cc appeared to even me out and give me the hour glass I’ve been looking for! Cannot wait for feb to come already. Too excited

    Becca 168

    This is exactly how I was! I have quite a broad bone structure and so I have wide hips, and I always felt so out of proportion with a 34 inch chest and 37 inch hips. My main motivation to go for the op was to even myself out a bit. It seems to have worked so far!

    Assymetric 50

    I’m the same as both of you ladies, I just want to be in proportion! I’ve got a bum and hips but nothing up top! I too want that hour glass figure but don’t want it to look fake, if that makes sense ?

    Assymetric 50

    @sbowdell when is your op/pre-op? I have my pre-op on 27 Feb – although not sure it’s the official pre-op as I’m not having mine done until 1 April.

    Sbowdell 15

    I have my op on 11th feb and pre op 26th jan. I had a really lengthy chat with my consultant about what I wanted and that I didn’t want them to look fake but I wanted to “get my monies worth” if that makes sense. I didn’t want to have them done and not see a massive difference.

    Leila -10

    I do wish I hadn’t had mine done. My boob’s don’t look different at all when dressed, I know it’s still early days as I’m 17 days post op, I feel like I wasted money to look the same when clothed. I told my surgeon I wanted the Max my body can take and I pushed further to get 350cc. On the day of my op, 3 sizes where ordered just in case 350cc didn’t fit. Now I totally feel, there might have been an error or I have a long torso and petite. I wore some long v neck clothes today without a bra to try things on and it didn’t make any difference to when I wore heavily padded bra. Even after the full drop and fluff, I really don’t see it making a huge difference because when it drops, the volume at the top goes to the bottom and expands a bit. Moreover this wouldn’t make a difference. It seems I would still have to wear heavily padded bra in C cup to achieve the look I want and I’m not happy about this. Going through the pain again, time off work, a carer etc is not something I thought would happen. I’m thinking what’s the point of having boob’s and paying all that money and not be able to dress it up and be proud of it. It’s like going to the salon and the hairdresser messed up your hair. I am trying to have some patience and not focus on it but it seems hard as it’s on my body. I am literally counting down now to speak to my surgeon about this.

    Assymetric 50

    @Leila sorry you are unhappy with your experience.

    I think one of the main problems for us girls with little boobage is that we wear heavily padded bras and then when we get our boobs done you feel like it hasn’t changed anything because it’s just the same as when you were heavily padded, but the reality is, that’s we’re not and can not improve a padded bra look but we want to improve our natural look. I think we have to compare to our natural look rather than when we have done temporary improvements with padded bras/chicken fillets etc.

    I wouldn’t say I wear heavily padded bras but I do wear padded bras and when I get mine done I will be comparing to my natural look rather than my bra look.

    I hope this makes sense! And I guess the surgeon can only fit in what your body allows at that time! Hopefully you start feeling better about your boobs soon

    Becca 168

    I am the same really, I don’t think I actually look that different at all when I’m in my clothes either. The biggest thing for me was how ugly my natural boobs had become – when I lost so much weight so quickly, they were absolutely decimated and became awful, there was no volume at all left in the top and they just looked sad and empty and saggy. The implants have absolutely transformed the shape and the look of my boobs and whether or not I end up achieving the much larger size I had wanted at the outset, I can 100% say that what I have now is already the most incredible difference and I just could not have ever gone on looking how I did before. Although I am still hoping the drop and fluff fairy brings me a nice surprise! I’ve seen pictures recently of how much they change even between 3 and 6 months, so I realise I have a long wait ahead until I can confidently say I have my final result.

    Leila -10

    Thanks everyone. I have 350cc but it doesn’t look like what I tried on during my consultation. It looks like a 300cc I tried on at first during the consultation and my surgeon did order 3 sizes 300/325/350cc to see which one would fit. After my op I was told they fitted 350cc but thinking back to when I tried on 350cc and looking at them now (18 days to) it looks like a 300cc, so I’m hoping I get a drastic change in another 4 weeks otherwise, I might be convinced there was an error in the theatre ???

    Becca 168

    I think I will definitely continue to wear padded bras, anyway – I want to have as much visible boobage as I possibly can!

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